Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Play With Fire - Revised


Hazrin - King Rain
Suhana - Queen Summer
Shina - Princess Hazrina
Me - Princess Fire
Anas - Prince Chomel
Alisha - Nadhira
Mysara - Aqilah
Arinah - Miss Lighting
Kamil - Gameboy
Adam - Rugger Boy

Let me introduce you to the King and Queen of Lala Land...

King Rain and Queen Summer

This is their one and only daughter Princess Hazrina

King Rain is a ruthless King and only thinks of himself. He blackmails his people for money and those who refuses to follow his orders will be sent to the tower, and off with their heads. Everyone in the kingdom is afraid of him. Queen Summer on the other hand, is a loving mother always listen to her only princess. The little girl is a spoilt little princess. If she cant get what she wants, she will order the father to chop of their heads!! Like father, like daughter. Off with their heads!!!! Hwhahaha...

This is the King's sister, Princess Fire and her son Prince Chomel. She realizes her brother is ruthless so she plans to take over of the throne. Plus she thinks she should be the heir to the throne since shes got some special powers - she could heal people. Wah hebatnyer!!! Yeah, I know!! She will make sure her son picks on the little Princess Hazrina and penyet2 her - just like ayam penyet!!! (sorry Nana Sr) By whatever means, she plans to enjoy the fall of the King!! Whatever it takes, thats her motto.

The one on the left is the little peasant girl, Nadhira who befriends with the Queen's niece Aqilah (on the right). Nadhira is the misunderstood little sister of Miss Lighting. Nadhira is an innocent girl who is forever misconstrued by everyone around her. She seeks Aqilah for all the material she could get. Aqilah on the other hand is a lonely little girl, staying with the Queen, the younger sister of her estranged mother.

What many people do not know is, the King has a mistress. And she is non other than Miss Lighting - shes got some special talent too. Miss Lightning uses her lighting bolt to control the King. And now she has him wrapped around her fingers. She has got the access to all the Kings richness!! Little did she know that the King's sister is aware of her evil plan. And Miss Lighting will soon be punished. Didnt anyone tell you not to play with fire??

The two boys are the guards of the castle. On the left is Gameboy and the other is Rugger boy. They both are the spy for Princess Fire. They serve as the eyes and ears of the princess. Will we see the fall of King Rain?? Is Queen Summer really that daft?? Will Princess Fire become the next Queen??

Ini adalah rekaan semata2. Tujuan nyer yg sebenornye adalah untuk kongsi gegambor. Sambil tu buat ah citer sket.. Enjoy the pics coz it will be some time for some of you to actually be able to get a copy these amazing pics.

Gegambor adalah hak milik Jangguttouch....


arinah_albakri said...

so, now im the mistress??
ok, playgirl kan..
i like this revised version so much better!
gud job, princess fire!

-Princess Lightning-

wolfgirl said...

dun you like the pics kak in??