Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Vietnam - Part 2

Guess what?? We had our Vietnam birthday celebration at the Malay Restaurant. Chewah, da la sebut nama orang salah. But I knew he was calling me coz of the Albakri yang sebutan nyer amat la pelik.. I was nervous and embarrassed. Hahaha... Never thought I would be embarrassed having a cake in front of me

Budak baju pink tu sibuk jer. Dia pun nak mak dia beranak bulan Mac jugak. Skarang da kena share cake ngan dia. Our Vietnam birthday was celebrated with a super delicious cake so takpe la, I dun mind sharing! Sedapnyer. Unfortunately I couldnt eat a lot coz my tummy was so full. After the birthday celebration we went straight to Hard Rock Cafe. They got really cool designs tapi takde size. Sangat la bodo. I managed to get a really cool one. Colour biru. Cantik.

Lepas tu the bus dropped us at the Night Market. Lots of things to see, I didnt know where to start. So in the end, I didnt get anything coz theres only one place in my head.... Ben Thant Market!!!

Orang Vietnam sangat kurang asam. Rude and not friendly at all. Menyampah... Kaki da penat berjalan, mata da ngantuk. So kite sambung citer esok pulak...

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