Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hong Kong Trip

Check this out!! Do I look like a surgeon or do I look like a surgeon?? Dang!! I could give Yang or even Mer a run for their money.. Hehe.. If you take a closer look, I think I look like the female version of Jason (of Friday the 13th) Watch your back people!!!

Ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to become a surgeon. (So not!!) It would be cool to wear the mask and butcher people on the table. But then again, Jason could do that too.

So I became a she-Jason for as long as I was in Hong Kong!!! How was Hong Kong?? Hong Kong was kinda interesting. The people were a little bit rude, but then again, what did I expect?? The hotel room were really small. I dont think you could fit even a cow in the room. Yesh, thats how small it was. The cow would suffocate, no room for Mr.Cow to move around.

These are my two assistance. They were with me the entire time. But they did more posing than helping me... Nana and Yana, you're both FIRED!!!

Finally we decided to abord our mission, not kill people but to go out and throw some money. Yippeee.... What a wonderful idea!!! So there goes our masks flying only God knows where.

Shopping in Hong Kong was both scary and delightful. Its a shopping heaven if you know how to bargain. WARNING: Never ask for the price if you have no intentions of purchasing it. They would force you to buy them. So better think twice before you ask. These HK people could be pretty scary sales people.

One of my favourites would be the wax museum. Too bad my brilliant self purposely did not bring my camera charger. What moron would have left her camera charger at home?? Bangang betol!! So had to restrain myself from taking lots of pictures.

This aunty is Madame Tussauds. But of coz, the highlight of the whole trip would be the Disneyland. I never knew little mouse Mickey could speak Chinese. Wei, Mickey cakap Cina tu, mana nak dapat. LA pun takde camtu... It rained the whole day. Fortunately Mickey wasnt in hiding. I was soaking wet but it didnt matter coz we had a blast there. Well, at least I did.

Sleeping Beauty's enchanted castle...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Angry Mean Girl!!!

Im so bloody angry, I feel like punching someone!!!!!
Eeeeiii marahnyer!!! Geram geram geram!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Birthday in Advance Hani Basha...

A birthday wish will never be complete without a birthday song. Since Im here and you're there, I have asked my three little alien friends to sing a familiar tune for you. Sowie, they forgot your name there. Heheh.. At first I wanted to get you a return flight to Malaysia so you could celebrate with your family. After I paid my Visa credit card I realized I dont really have the dough. So you can say goodbye to Malaysia la. Then I thought ok la, I will send you a birthday card. Theres something about the anticipation of receiving and opening a letter/package that is very thrilling to me. Unfortunately I do not have your house address. Ini bukan satu alasan. Hehehe... So there goes your card. Its impossible to call, I already tried that. SMS also doesnt work. To wish you via email is too common and boring. I wouldnt wanna be like your any other boring friends. After debating with myself, hitting my head to get my creative juices running inside, finally a light bulb appeared on top of my head. The light was so bloody bright. The end result is I've decided to write you a birthday wish in my blog.

I guess this is the part where Im suppose to say nice things about the birthday girl. But I think I'll skip that coz no words could do enough justice to describe the kind of person you are. Are you boo_ing at me?? If I say nice things about you nanti koyak you punyer Victoria's Secret all. Hehe... Im not gonna go long with this coz I wouldnt want you to faint reading this. So happy birthday once again to a wonderful and amazing person!! Wishing you long life, prosperity, happiness and good health. Also dipercepatkan jodoh... Eh, sowie, that last part was meant for me!!! Hehehe... Diperpanjangkan jodoh.... Amin!!

How does it feel to be a year sexier??? Grrrrr.... Mayb I should ask Azu that question with regards to you... Hmm...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Lunch With Tun Mahathir and Tun Siti

Yippeee... Dr. Prema was not around, so Dr. James gave me my influenza shot. Yes, I flashed him my cute little ass ( which is not so little anymore) I feel sorry for him, having to look at my ass Im sure the doctor is gonna have one hell of a nightmare. But who cares. Thats his problem!!! While he was busy with the shot, I imagined he was giving me botox. Hehe...

Forget bout my ass, now on to a more interesting story, had lunch with Tun Mahathir and Tun Siti on Saturday. Woohoo... I had the oppotunity to ask Tun Siti if her hair was actually a wig!!! Of coz not!! Notice how her hair is always the same. Anyway, I had to restrain myself from asking her that. How rude!!!!

I knew my big sister is a huge fan of Tun, but I never knew she could be a potential stalker. She bumped into Tun in Langkawi. Took a family photo with Tun, enlarged the photo. She developed an extra copy just for Tun and wrote one long essay at the back of the photo. She was dying to give Tun the photo. Fortunately for her, all went well and she got to take another photo with Tun. How cool is that?? Yesh, but it got a little scary when she actually followed Tun to his car, waving and forcing Tun's bodyguards to remind Tun to read her long essay written behind the photo. Not cool at all, if shes a stalker... RUN TUN, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! That woman can be scary!!!

Oh, mummy was cool. Took a photo with Tun as well.

Tun M's number one fan...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Im Goin...

OMG, today is the day we have to get the influenza jap! Takot, takot, takot! I hate injections! Ini mengalahkan baby ni. Takot tak takot kena buat gak. For precaution sake. Buat jer. Jangan tunggu2. Petang ni pi ngan Nana.. But then again, Im not sure whether I should be afraid of the injection itself or the doctor giving me the injection. I just hope she knows what shes doing. Sometimes she can even ask, "what is it that you want?" Huh?? Aren't you supposed to give me what's best for me??

Kat mana nak suruh doktor cucuk ni?? Kat bontot?? Lengan?? Hmm... Kalo lengan it has to be on the left side. Lengan kanan rasa mcm penat.. If she insists on looking at my ass, then we go with the ass!! Yay!!! Jangan doktor tu terkezut tengok bontot sudah... Yang penting, harap2 bila doktor main cucuk2 ngan bontot, idak ler terkuar angin dari bontot tu. Nanti kang pengsan plak Doktor Prema..*Sigh*

Tu la, after much debate, we have decided to go jer HK tu... Lagi lama tunggu, macam2 lagi dalam kepala. Tak yah pikir pi jer. Plus, tix smua da bayar.

Hardly a week and I'm off to HK!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

To Go Or Not To Go???

Aper ni?? To go or not to go?? Pergi mana?? Pergi Hong Kong ngan Nana and Yana. Macam mana ni?? I honestly do not know what to do?? I am now 50/50. A part of me is scared. Another part of me says not to worry. Nooooooooooooo!!! Why does the swine flu decided to pull its stupid stunt at the wrong time?? Eeiiii... Bodo ah swine flu ni!! Stupid ass...

Nak pergi minggu depan hari Khamis. Should we just postpone the whole trip?? We've got 3 months if we were to go on another date all together. Problem is, bulan 8 puasa, bulan 9 raya. Bulan 10 the whole trip dah expire. That leaves us bulan 7. Tapi aper beza bulan 6 ngan bulan 7?? Its a matter of weeks jer. Hopefully the situation is ok. If it gets worst?? Might as well pergi jer bulan 6. Or should we just forego the whole trip?? Tapi dah bayar... Rugi plak rasanyer... Sigh... Ntah la...

Maybe we should just go jer. Take the necessary precaution. Takyah pikir2 lagi. The more you think about it, the harder it gets to come to a decision. Plus, Mickey ngan Minnie pun dah tunggu kat sana. Mickey ngan Minnie versi Cina....

What are we to do??? To go or not to go???

Monday, June 15, 2009

David Slade for Eclipse??

I'm not too thrill having this man on board the Twilight ship. This is David Slade. It was announced sometime ago that this man will direct Eclipse, the third installment of the well loved vampire saga, Twilight. I just read an interview with him and the end result is he gave me fear. I fear he would ruin Eclipse. What I don't like about this man is from what I've read of his interview, he did not really do his homework and research.

These would be my advice to David...

  • The Twilight saga is not just about putting a book onto the big screen. Its more than that. Like it or not, it has become a phenomenon. And unfortunately David never realized that. Its just another adaption for him. So I honestly do not have any faith in this man to carry out the third installment. And never forget, Eclipse has become most followers' favourite book to date. The expectation would be higher.
  • Eclipse is not another teen movie. It is not only for 15 year old girls. It has a vast followers ranging from 12 to 60.
  • Please do not forget the love story behind it.
  • Its cool to learn the different characters' origin stories, but please don't focus on just Jacob. There are other characters worthy the screen time, like Rose and Jazz.
  • Eclipse differs from 30 Days of Night. They are of two diff vampire worlds.
  • Don't be arrogant and start taking Eclipse seriously.
  • Try to at least like the story Eclipse is trying to uncover before actually directing the movie. Its hard to embark on a project you don't even believe in.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Does your soulmate have to be the person you are in love with at that particular moment?? Or the person you are about to get married too?? Or can best friends be soulmates?? Is is okay for two girls to be soulmates??

Two sisters perhaps, could be soulmates?? How many soulmates do we have?? What exactly is a soulmate?? Someone who understands you personally, in and out and shares your friendship?? If that is the case, your boyfriend/partner/husband can be your soulmate. A close girl friend or even your best friend or family members could even be your soulmate. These are all the people who understands and shares your friendship.

sad to say, in todays society a girl girl relationship will be misconstrued as a love affair between the same sex. So that would rule out the soulmate theory. Im trying to figure out here what it really means.

Personally I think a soulmate is someone you share your personal strengths and weaknesses with, someone who not only understands but shares your way of thinking, and loves the same thing that you do. And I dont believe that a soulmate is limited to the person you end up getting married with. You may marry someone else but still share a certain connection with other people. Yes, it does sound scary. I actually believe that. And I believe that your soulmate should be the person that you see yourself in. Like theres a fragment of yourself in that person in which you could indentify with.. A friend once said, maybe you would come across several soulmates through out the course of your life. Who knows...

I mean, of coz we want our partners to be our soulmates. It dosent mean if you see yourself in that person, be it a girl or a boy you have to end up spending the rest of your lives together. Does it?? It just means you share a certain kind of bond. Your personal understanding of that person is somewhat strong. But you are not in love with that person what so ever. The question is could a boy and a girl be soulmates but not have any romantic feelings what so ever.

I think yes on occasions but no to most of the time!
Those that keep their emotions in check are capable. There usually would be one party who would cross the line and expects more. But I do believe a girl and a girl could be soulmates without expecting anything else in return. Lets not talk about a boy and boy soulmates. It even has a weird sound ringing to it..

Am I making sense?? I know some may agree with me, most would just smack me!! Thanks to my brilliant mind, I managed to confused myself even more with this soulmate crap!!!

So, Im outta here...

Love is in the Air

Theres a shy boy working somewhere in Toronto. His name is Puteh. One sunny day, a new girl was recruited and they got no choice but to work together. Not to waste any time with the details, allow me to summarize their relationship into one short poem...

Pagi pagi makan kaya,
Cinta sudah berputik ya...


This is a photo of the girl Puteh is interested in. Her name is Sushi Harujuki...

Hmm... Shall we go get ourselves some food???

Monday, June 8, 2009

Achoi's Wedding

Jom kite amik gambo... Ni la muka tak malu yang giler glam. Ingatkan nak pi wedding Achoi, bleh ah amik gambo pengantin. Tapi orang lain plak yang over. Tak abih2 posing sana, posing sini amik gegambo.

Fuiyoo, Kak In siap posing maut lagi. Fitphewitt... Ish.. ish... ish... Kalah pengantin macam ni. Tapi takpe... Kite tengok gambo lain camner rupanyer...

Nape kalo da mula amik gegambo, ramai yang ader unsur2 lupa diri... Tengok la Anas tu, punyer la teruja macam nak terjatuh posing nyer... Hmm.. Ho ho ho Suhana, watcha looking at?? I guess she doesn't know how a camera looks like... Tapi takpe...
. Rasanyer masa ni smua orang berebut2 nak tunjuk lubang idung masing2. Janji takde ayor idung sudah. Eiiii... Geli...

Wow, posing separuh maut dari anak dara tiga pingitan kat blakang tu... Cun, cun, cun... Yang bertudung ungu macam syiok sendiri plak. Yang berbaju ungu takde tudung tu posing horror!!! Abendernyer tu kak?? Ader benda nak hempap akak ker???

Ader gak gambo pengantin. Dalam pada dok syiok amik gambo sendiri idak ler pulak luper diri tu.. Baguih la camtu kalo... Gambo atas pelamin mesti ader gak. Kalo takde tak sah. Ni nak amik berkat ni... Hehe...

Siang pun da makin panas, smua orang nak beransur pulang. Tinggal 3 lagi yang masih tak abis2 amik gambo. Ni gambo last la ni. Pasni smua balik umah...

Saper plak nak kawen pasni??? Hmm... Bleh amik gegambo lagi...

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Most Beautiful Man In The World

Are you drooling as you look at the picture?? Let me introduce you to this hot Greek guy. His name is Saki Rouva. Could this Greek guy be the most beautiful man in the world??? Somehow they managed to find this hot piece of Greek Man and voted him as the most beautiful man in the world. I guess God must have spent a little more time perfecting his beautiful face - that's true. Having been to Greece, a friend once said that God must have spent a little more time on all Greeks, not just this one. If you wanna see live "Greek Gods" walking down the streets, Greece is the place. I can only imagine what she means by that. Oh la la.. Lets go to Greece then... "Mama mia, here a go again"... Hehe...

I think beauty is very subjective. What is beautiful to you, may not be beautiful to me - and vice versa. Plus, beauty is more than just about the physical appearance. Do you believe that?? Hmm... "Salt and Pepper" said if you carry yourself like a queen, you will attract a king. There is no such thing as an ugly man or woman. Its all about how you manage yourselves. I think what it means is, you need to flaunt your charms and be pleasant at all times. With strong personalities, people tend to overlook your physical flaws and see them as attractiveness. Besides, someone elses imperfections could be seen as perfection to some people!

So, who is the most beautiful man in your world??? For me, most definitely Rodrigo Santoro the Brazilian hottie... Im drooling here...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Baby Tembam

Milik siapakah bayi ini??? Whose baby is this???

Baby Tembam or Chubby Babies are nice to look at. They are cute, they are great to play with, but are they really healthy?? Usually Baby Tembam will gradually turn into Baby Tak La Tembam Sangat later when they grow up. So I guess its ok if your baby is one of the Baby Tembam/s, but once your Baby Tembam grows into Budak Tembam, maybe you should monitor their food intake??? Hmm... Some may say, Budak Tembam is very cute. Geram, rasa nak cubit cubit. Hah, cubit la, skali Budak Tembam bagi sebijik baru tau!! Yes, they are cute. But tembam sangat may be the cause of unwanted illnesses. Better be careful than sorry.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I walk to the window late one night
And I saw you walk away out of my sight
I call out your name, and I call, and I call
You left me behind without a simple glance
I wonder out loud will I ever see you
I'll be waiting here patiently dying to hear from you
I need to feel you, hold you and breath you

If only you would stay
I swear I would keep you smile
I swear I would heal your wounded pride
Never break you in my warm embrace
As we race to patch the broken glass
My heart hopes as your voice surrounds me
Hopes that remind me the joy of life
How I can't wait to see you again

Maybe it will happen in my slumber
So I walk back to my bed
I lie here alone
Seeking the warmth of the night to shelter me
Don't wake me from this dream
Let me fall deeper down the stream
Yearning the truth riding all the lies away
All be renewed as the night welcomes the dawn

Now that I am wide awake
I run straight to the window
And there I saw you
You lifted your hand a gentle wave awaits
A joyful smile on my face
A millions frown shattered away
A wave of the gun
Sends a hundreds fragments of me laying around
A thousands of shouts, a millions of cries
What is there left of me
Only the echos of my sadness remains

Monday, June 1, 2009

MTV Movie Awards 2009

Woohoo... Twilight was the biggest winner for 2009 MTV Movie Awards...

Best Fight - Rob and Cam (Gonna miss you James)

Best Kiss - Rob and KStew (Mmuacksss)

Breakthrough performance - Rob (He's a phenomenon!)

Best female performance - KStew (I honestly think this girl has got so much potential)

Best Movie - Twilight!!!! (Yay!!!!)

Best of all was when KStew went up the stage to accept her best female performance popcorn... Not only was she dressed like how Bella would (a dress and a converse snickers???) she was being very the Bella by dropping her golden popcron!!!! Hehehehe... That was funny!!! Rob was laughing!!! Poor girl!! Not a fan of Bella's, but I do believe KStew deserves the popcorn. Yay!!! She was way better than the book Bella. Way to go girl!!

I thought Rob and Kristen were really gonna heat up the stage with their best kiss demonstration. A little action doesnt hurt does it??!!! And I really thought they were gonna do it. They fooled us all by pretending to reenact the whole kissing scene on stage. Beria jer Rob cakap nak buang chewing gum dalam molot tu! Konon2 la!! Tampo kang!! But Rob looked kinda disappointed when Kristen pulled away. Dang!! Ni mesti takot Angarano cakap pape kot, eh Kristen?? ;P Macam hampeh jer... Tampo ajer dua2 tu!!! Ish.... Kecoh ah...

Congrats to Steph for her amazing love story and to Cat and all her kittens for bringing Twilight to life!!! Biggest disappointed was when Paramore lost to Miley Cyrus!!! Miley who??? Smelly Miley!!! Who would have thought??!!! Dang!!

New Moon

The most anticipated movie of 2009... or shall I say my most anticipated movie of 2009... The long awaited trailer is finally out... I've been waiting for how many donkey months for this... I guess if not for the MTV Movie Awards 2009, we would have to wait a little longer for the trailer... Who better to introduce the video if not Rob, KStew and Taylor...

Jazz couldn't control himself at the smell of Bella's blood from the paper cut! Is it true a small paper cut could create such an unfortunately incident??? Hmmm... Jazz must have forgotten to feed himself for him to be this thirsty...

One of my favourite parts from the trailer would be when Edward pushes Jazz away from Bella. It was awesome! I cant help thinking how strong the push must be... I was like makan Bella, makan Bella, makan Bella! Only concern is the wolf Jake phases into looks a little small... Was hoping to see a bigger wolf. From what I heard they were gonna use special effects to make the wolves as big as horses... I guess it was just a rumour...

Too bad there werent't enough of Rose, Big Bro Emmett, Dr. and Mrs. Cullens in the trailer... Little Alice is adorable as usual... Yay! Team Alice!!! Can't wait for Grand Theft Auto!!!