Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just my opinion....

Forgive me for being absent for so long. Not that you care. But anyway, its been a while and I think its time to write something before this blog merajuk and pull face at me.

So, where do I start?? Okay, sometimes I think parents think they know whats best for their children. But in reality, I think its more of parents wanting whats best for their children. What they (parents) want does not necessarily be the best for that child. Hmm.. Im saying this because sometimes, well most of the times, parents have different visions from what their children have in mind. What children want in life is closely related to their personalities. Well, at least what I wanted is closely related to my personality. Belum lagi tercapai. But of course, its true what the Rolling Stones say, we dont always get what we want. Thats life. Nobody says life is a bed of roses. Now, parents start to come into the picture and start pushing their children into doing something else. Example: Career choices, marriage, hobbies, holidays, what to eat/what not to eat. I think parents should give their children the freedom to choose and at the same time supervise them. Its good to let them fall once in a while so they could learn something from it. Instead, children are stuck, they wouldnt know what to do. Because all these while, they are being push into a situation they are stuck by design. In this case, some would even lie. Lie to protect their loved ones, lie to protect themselves, God knows why they lie. And nobody wants that lie to prolong.

There are also some parents who want their children to do something they (parents) didnt get to do when they were younger. So the child is being thrust into it. Parents are lucky if the child is the sensible quiet type. Which means, they (the anak2) would say "Yes Master Yoda" at all times. But there are also the stubborn ones. These are the complicated ones. And there are ways to tackle them. And the best would be to put themselves in the child's shoes. Sometimes its best not to force things on them. Rather just let them be. At one point they (the anak2) are bound to come back. Of course its not easy. But the more you push, the more distance they become. Nobody wants that. Im not saying totally ignore the child. What Im saying is, give the child the space that they need to grow up. Its not easy growing up if parents are constantly hovering over them. I know how it feels like. But Im the "Yes Master Yoda" type. Children tend to keep their distance when they are not happy about something. And of course we wouldnt want that distance to exist at all. Instead of babysitting 24/7, show some trust. Keep in touch constantly and when they fall, the parents will be there to catch them falling.

Okay, lets go back up. The reason why I say they need the freedom to choose is because if you dont they will definitely do it behind your back. And thats even worst. With the freedom you allowed, most things happen in front of your eyes. But of course, there has to be a limit to the freedom. Must be a certain amount of give and take. Equilibrium is important to keep it , the relationship healthy. Hear each other out. There are too many times when both parents and children refuse to listen to the other thinking only about themselves. About what they (each other) want and the importance of it to only themselves. They failed to put themselves in the others shoes and analyze what just happened. So the real situation is not really addressed. And both parties are at a lose end. Too bad... No empathy at all.

I need to stop writing now coz En. Roslan wants to use my laptop. So ciao people... Remember, this is just my opinion. Im not a parent myself so please, dun bash me up... Dun be rude....

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ada Betol Ka??

Owh Im an Emma!!! Im nice, like really really nice!! Hahahaha... Am I obsessive when it comes to cleanliness??? Only when it comes to toilet. What about you??

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kawen Jer La Ngan Bola Tu...

Okay, so today lets talk football. A topic I know nothing about. Here's a question: Why is it fans of English Premier League are so obsessed with their respective teams (MU, Liverpool, Chelsea.... dan yag sewaktu dengan nyer) but they never support England?? The English team consist of some of their favourite players from their so called favourite teams but they sometimes kutuk England. So whats the story here?? If they think England is a ridiculous team to support and they are not as strong, then whats with the obsession?? When asked who is your favourite player they will answer Rooney. But when asked which team do you support their answer would be some other teams; Spain, Italy, Germany, Argentina. I think the EPL is overrated. They have become too commercialized. It only proves that they are not as good as they projected themselves. They may be heroes among their small clubs, but when faced with other giants in this field, they are zero. Too bad that they do not have loyal supporters in them. Well, perhaps within the English people themselves. Tembak diri jer ler England!!!

Wayne Rooney, my nephew's favourite player, I think. Betol ker Dam?? I wonder which team he is on.

The supersexy Christiano Ronaldo. He is even hotter without the hideous football jersey!! Ggrrr.. Nasib ader gambo ni. Decent sket.

Miroslav Klose. Im on his team just in case you are interested to know. Not that I understand why a bunch of grown ups running around like monkeys trying to get the ball. Just to jump on the bandwagon, when people ask me my answer will be "I support Germany". And they are qualified for the next round. Yiipppeee!! (Not that I understand why Im happy about it) I jump simply pick a team. So should you. Hehehe...

So,which team are you on?? Im sure most who are obsessed with the EPL in my family do not even care about how England would fare in the world cup. I wonder which team my brother is on?? My guess is Netherlands but I could be wrong. Hmmm...

Enough of this football talk. Im out of here...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lonely No More...

Check out the link below and tell me what you see...

Not that you care, but my pic is on the mosaic of Lonely Planet!! Yiiipppeeee!!! This is the pic Im talking about. Bukan la cantik mana pun tadi saje la nak citer kat smua. Hehe...

1,2,3 PUKE!!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Monyet Mok Yeh

Ini adalah cerita Beruk Mok Yeh yang beradu kekuatan dengan diriku...

Di taman tema Everland... (triiiiiinnnnnngggggg bunyi muzik ala ala princess)

Beruk Mok Yeh: Apa tengok2. Ko ingat ko terer sangat?? Meh la sini, kite tengok saper lagi kuat!! Arm wrestling. Ada berani ka??

Aku: Ek ele, tengok tu Kak In, monyet tu cabar Acuk!! Tampo kan!!!

Kak In: Tau takpe. Cepat Cuk, buat jer. Lagi pun Inah teringat kat Babah tengok monyet tu.

Aku: Ok, ok. Acuk lawan dia Kak In amek gambo eh.

Kak In: Ok Cuk.

Dengan semangat yang kuat, aku pun beradu kekuatan dengan si Monyet Mok Yeh tersebut. Sesiapa yang kalah akan bertukar menjadi batu. Oleh itu, aku tidak sempat untuk bertanya akan nama sebenar monyet tersebut. Sebabnyer beruk tersebut terus bertukar menjadi batu. Maknanyer aku menang!! Hahahaha... Aku pun tergelak besar!!! Aku dan Arinah meraikan kemenanganku dengan riang ria.

Kak In: Nanti Acuk letak la gambar ni jadik profile pic facebook Acuk.

Aku: Ha ah. Ok, ok.

Kak In: Atau pun letak kat blog.

Aku: Hah!! Yang tu lagi best. Letak kat blog la.

Begitu lah ceritanyer bagaimana hatiku tergerak untuk letak gambar beradu kekuatan bersama Monyet Mok Yeh dalam blog ini. Dengan ini diharap terjawab sudah soalan yang bermain di dalam pikiran sesiapa yang berminat.

Sekian terima kasih...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Wealth or Good Looks??

About a week ago, one radio station was discussing about wealth and good looks. They were asking the listeners between the two qualities, which would they look for in a partner. Wealth or good looks?? Most would choose a rich husbands/wives rather than good looking ones. Some were saying they would rather choose a good looking partner cause true love lasts forever compared to money. What??? Bodo nyer!! Yang pelik nyer, boleh DJ tu terkejut bila orang kata they would go for wealth. Whats wrong with that??

  • First of all good looking doesn't mean true love. Are you gonna act towards every other good looking man and woman you meet?? If that is the case, then every good looking man and woman is your true love. Stupid!! You may be attracted to that person, but that doesn't mean you have to act upon the attraction. What if you are married?? Are you gonna leave your spouse cause you've met another good looking person?? I think its just a psycho test of love on humans.
  • Some say better have a good looking husband than a rich one. If they are rich, they will have mistresses. Also stupid because, what makes you think a good looking man doesn't cheat. Both will cheat if they wanna cheat regardless if they are rich or good looking. Someone was saying if you are good looking, your partner will not cheat on you. Owh really?? What about Cheryl Cole?? She's gorgeous and yet her husband had a string of affairs.
  • Wealth or good looks they fade. So it doesn't matter what you choose, at the end of the day both do not last very long if you do not know how to manage them.

I guess it all depends on your preference. Some do not really go for looks, but they go for what their partners could provide them. Some would rather have a good looking ones, regardless if they are morons so their partners could be their trophies. Some will look for average looking partners, with average backgrounds and average pocket size. Whatever your pick is, its your right. There's no right or wrong answer to that. Different people look for different qualities in a partner. Tak payah la buat2 terkejut bila orang dah kasi their opinion.

Wealth or good looks?? So, whats your pick??

Friday, June 4, 2010

Winter Sonata

Owh wow, I havent been updating the blog for quite sometime. If I were paid to maintain this blog, I would have been fired a long long time ago. I hope nobody forgotten the existence of this blog. So sit back a relax as I will take you on a journey you will never forget. I am taking you to Korea. I spent about a week traveling to the capital of Korea, Seoul (atau nama lain ialah Siol), Tongyeong known as the land of the sea and Busan.

They say Korea is a very nice place to visit. Whats so special about Korea, I often asked myself. Unless you are into guys/girls with small eyes or secretly dreamed of being in the world of Winter Sonata then this dog eating country is definitely for you. Well, if the truth must be revealed that was before and I am happy to report that I couldn't be more wrong. You see, Korea was never in my list of countries to visit. I don't remember ever wanting to experience their culture. Not until my friend was given this fantastic opportunity to build her first year of marriage in this land of Kimchi - which taste horrible by the way.

The people are rude (especially in Seoul). They push others around, elbow us when they are in a rush. Where are you rushing to?? Are you catching a plane or something. They do not see the importance of learning English which is an international language by the way and they expect us to learn their language during our short visit. Way too arrogant to communicate with us in English let alone learn the language. At least for the foreigners sake. Especially now as they launched their visit Korea or was it Seoul campaign. And worst of all, there's a double standard in treating the people over there. Had some real experience in Seoul which would be too much to share in one blog entry. So we may have to get back to that another time.

As for the food, I cant really comment much. I was never adventurous when it comes to food. But I must say that I saw a few weird looking animals at their market and tasted some which I had never before. All in all, it was good, all because my friend cooks and mostly we had sea food. One thing for sure, shrimp burger is super famous over there. McDonald's has got the best. Yummy!! I'm drooling here.

Korea itself may be rich with history, (though I myself am not too sure but that's not the subject now), but it pains me to say that they do not really represent the image that most would have towards the East - friendly, respectful,helpful, polite, courtesy. Okay, not all are like that, but in general this is how we the East people have been projecting ourselves.

Despite of all the complains I've been making, it is a wonder that there are heaps of foreigners here in Korea - Seoul particularly. Having witnessing that, I started to ask myself, is Korea really that bad or is it just me?? Whats with the resistance to their way of life?? It's not like I'll be living here my whole life. So suck it up and follow their lead. And that's what I did for one whole week. That was when I realized that Tongyeong and Busan may not be as developed as Seoul, but they are the ones with all the positive values the Eastern people are famous for. Of all the 3 cities I've visited, Busan would be the most appealing for me. It's beautiful, the people are friendly, you can shop til you drop (which I did) and that was more than enough for a week's visit. At least for me.

Unfortunately though, their currency is bigger than us and their standard of living is one of the highest in the world. So go figure. You need at least a million won (about RM3,000) for a single trip like what I did. A secretary earns at least 6 million won a month. So you can imagine how much those with a professional profession could earn in this country. Of cause, tax is also high.

Though I never learned a single word of Korean, let alone understand Hangul, it was definitely one of my memorable experiences as I had several raw encounters with the Koreans. Unlike if you are in a traveling group, you will have an easier approach of understanding this beautiful Republic. So, would I recommend Korea to anyone. You bet I would.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Most Photographed Boy at the Wedding!!

Could this be the most photographed boy at Nana/Hazrin Wedding?? I would say so!!

Smua owang nak peluk2 dier!!! Smua owang geram kat dier!!! Smua owang kata dier chomel dan handsome!! Nama dier Anas!!!

This playful little boy is the photographers' favourite!! Betol ke tu?? Mesti la betol, kalo tak takkan banyak bebenor gegambor Anas!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Play With Fire - Revised


Hazrin - King Rain
Suhana - Queen Summer
Shina - Princess Hazrina
Me - Princess Fire
Anas - Prince Chomel
Alisha - Nadhira
Mysara - Aqilah
Arinah - Miss Lighting
Kamil - Gameboy
Adam - Rugger Boy

Let me introduce you to the King and Queen of Lala Land...

King Rain and Queen Summer

This is their one and only daughter Princess Hazrina

King Rain is a ruthless King and only thinks of himself. He blackmails his people for money and those who refuses to follow his orders will be sent to the tower, and off with their heads. Everyone in the kingdom is afraid of him. Queen Summer on the other hand, is a loving mother always listen to her only princess. The little girl is a spoilt little princess. If she cant get what she wants, she will order the father to chop of their heads!! Like father, like daughter. Off with their heads!!!! Hwhahaha...

This is the King's sister, Princess Fire and her son Prince Chomel. She realizes her brother is ruthless so she plans to take over of the throne. Plus she thinks she should be the heir to the throne since shes got some special powers - she could heal people. Wah hebatnyer!!! Yeah, I know!! She will make sure her son picks on the little Princess Hazrina and penyet2 her - just like ayam penyet!!! (sorry Nana Sr) By whatever means, she plans to enjoy the fall of the King!! Whatever it takes, thats her motto.

The one on the left is the little peasant girl, Nadhira who befriends with the Queen's niece Aqilah (on the right). Nadhira is the misunderstood little sister of Miss Lighting. Nadhira is an innocent girl who is forever misconstrued by everyone around her. She seeks Aqilah for all the material she could get. Aqilah on the other hand is a lonely little girl, staying with the Queen, the younger sister of her estranged mother.

What many people do not know is, the King has a mistress. And she is non other than Miss Lighting - shes got some special talent too. Miss Lightning uses her lighting bolt to control the King. And now she has him wrapped around her fingers. She has got the access to all the Kings richness!! Little did she know that the King's sister is aware of her evil plan. And Miss Lighting will soon be punished. Didnt anyone tell you not to play with fire??

The two boys are the guards of the castle. On the left is Gameboy and the other is Rugger boy. They both are the spy for Princess Fire. They serve as the eyes and ears of the princess. Will we see the fall of King Rain?? Is Queen Summer really that daft?? Will Princess Fire become the next Queen??

Ini adalah rekaan semata2. Tujuan nyer yg sebenornye adalah untuk kongsi gegambor. Sambil tu buat ah citer sket.. Enjoy the pics coz it will be some time for some of you to actually be able to get a copy these amazing pics.

Gegambor adalah hak milik Jangguttouch....

Monday, March 22, 2010

Play WIth Fire

Im not one of those who like to be in a picture. I would prefer to be the person who shoots the pics rather than be in them. Don't get me wrong. I do not totally hate being in pictures. The thing is, I dunno how to pose. I like group pictures the best. Paling bangang pon two people in a pic. All I know is to just stand there like a wood and smile!! Say spaghetti.....

This pic looks like something that would come out from Gossip Girl or Dirty Sexy Money. Very interesting pic. With this interesting pic, my mind couldnt just sit still and just stare. I came up with my own story for it. Lets just let our imagination run wild shall we??

Its called Play With Fire, yes just like the song from the Stones. It revolves around the life a Puteh (Hazrin) a renown photographer. He looks innocent enough, but behind his amazing skills, lies a ruthless man. He uses his photos to blackmail people of society for money. He is Mr. Powerful. Married to Sara (Suhana) the mother of Hazrina (Shina). She doesnt do anything except taking care of the little girl. Has got no clue to her husband's not so innocent activities.

I am the ruthless sister who is constantly trying to see to the fall of Mr. Powerful coz I want to be the one in power. In the picture, I may look kind (pls do not vomit ok) but in the story Im not. So that means Im the villain. Mikael (Anas) is my playful son in the story. He bullies other children in school. Like me, he's not afraid of anything. Anas is my subplot in the story la. To make me look human.

Hisham (Adam) and Jamal (Kamil) are roommates in college. Hisham (Adam ) is the athlete and Jamal (Kamil) is the lonely computer boy. They are very different but they like the same girl. Little did they know that they are actually dating the same person. Nadhira (Sara) is Suhana's niece living with her. Always looking a way to attract attention thinking Sara (Suhana) doesnt love her as much as she loves Hazrina (Shina). So shes always plotting something against the little girl. Maya (Alisha) is the misunderstood girl. She meant well, but people always took her kindness differently thinking shes always causing trouble. Shes Nadhira's (Sara) schoolmate and Um (Arinah) sister. Her identity is a mystery thats why shes known as Um. Um (Arinah) is a playgirl. (Shall we say shes the girl both Hisham and Jamal are dating??) But beneath her naughty and wild exterior lies an intelligent girl who sets her mind to destroy Mr. Powerful because he destroyed her family.

Okay, macam biba tak?? Thats why the story is called Play With Fire!! Hebat!!! Everyone is on fire dude!! Trust no one!!

Ini adalah rekaan semata2. Sila jangan ambil hati. When you look at the pic, try to see beyond yourself and let your imagination run free. Feedbacks are welcome... :)) Shall I change the names?? Hahahah...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Eh, terlupa plak.....

Lupa plak nak letak my favourite picture.... Ni masa dalam bas, nak balik Hippo!!

Look at the expression on their faces!!! Super hilarious!! Hwahahaha....

Jangan marah eh...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vietnam - Part 6

4 days and 3 nights. Its time to say goodbye to Vietnam.

Things that I learn (in general):
  • They accept 3 different currencies (USD, RM, VND)
  • Ho Chi Minh city is very messy - no strategic planning
  • Vietnamese are not friendly
  • They somehow enjoy picking their noses - almost like a hobby (Yes, disgusting)
  • No manners on the road - they love to honk honk on the road (Yes, its annoying)
  • Vietnamese are small. So far, I havent bumped into a big sized Vietnamese
  • Food sucks big time
  • You can commit suicide - by crossing the roads... Super crazy I tell you!!
  • Some amazing collection of handbags
  • Theres like almost two sides of Vietnam; the modern Vietnam and the sad Vietnam
Will I come back?? Perhaps!! Just to shop. Or maybe to see other parts of Vietnam that I heard are way beautiful that Ho Chi Minh City.

Goodbye Vietnam!!! I had a fabulous time!!!

Vietnam - Part 5

Ben Thant Market here we come!!! Sangat la besar dan banyak benda ada kat situ. Makanan, minuman, pakaian, beg, kasut, kain. The catch is, you've got to bargain. If you dun, then you akan rugi coz they will cekik you!! So before they do that to you, you cekik them by slashing the prices. Problem was, dalam ramai2 yang jenjalan sesama tu, (me, Nana, Hazrin, Ima & Kak Faridah) Nana sorang jer yang terer bargain. Smua mengharapkan Nana jer. Camner tu?? So lembab la smua orang.

Tengok tu, Cheryl Samad (Tv personality) pun shopping gak kat Ben Thant ker?? I must say, yang paling best pasal Ben Thant ni ialah handbags!!! Banyak nyer yang lawa, tak terbeli. You just dunno what to grab coz if possible you would wanna grab everything. Giler!! Siap berebut2 lagi. Ada handbag yang lawa ni colour brown, tapi tak dapat sebab da habis. Maybe I should steal from Kak Faridah. Hmmm.... Its interesting to see Nana bargaining coz she can be aggressive with those Vietnamese.

"Your boss is not friendly"
"You make me sad"
"You happy, I happy" common phrase to use when bargaining.

Pastu, kiss kiss plak. Fuiyoh... Caya la Nana... Mmuacks... I have never shopped so many handbags in my entire life. Ini baru first round. We actually skipped the Mekong River to shop at Ben Thant for the whole day. Second trip was after lunch at VN. Halal just a few feet away from Ben Thant. Before that, we went back to the hotel to leave all our stuff. Pastu gerak balik ker Ben Thant Market.

Brother in law pun sibuk membeli baju. Murah ker tu?? Ntah ler, hanya Nana yang tahu!! I did my very best to look for Ben10 t-shirt untuk Anas. Got a few, but he will look like a ripe nangka if I buy. So finally I managed to find the biggest size and am hopeful that he could fit in them. Even for a few weeks pun ok la. Terkuar smua ayor ketiak shopping kat sana. Panas betol.

Malam tu makan kat the same Malay Restaurant we went on the first day. The food sucked. We met Cheryl Samad again shooting for one tv show. Ntah aper ke namanyer. Cian Cheryl, mesti penat asyik senyum jer. Hahaha...

Yang paling maleh nak buat ialah untuk pack bag yang susah tentu akan beranak!!! Sok smua balik!!!

Vietnam - Part 4

We were walking at the Big Market (a place where you can buy things in bulk) and were looking at some stuff. But we always got the same response."No buy, no buy" Ek eleh, smua nyer no buy aper yang can buy?? Baru lima minit jenjalan, ada pompuan Vietnam giler ni main langgar2 pulak. Soon after that this guy gelek my kaki ngan macam trolley. Ish ish ish... Aper ni?? Pastu we were looking at some hats. Pretty cool actually. Had Nana to try them on.

Tengah try satu ni (the knitting kind) ada orang giler Vietnam ni langgar my kepala. Da ler dia langgar ngan benbarang yang dia angkat, tak rheti la nak kata sorry. Kepala I pun berpusing macam nak tercabot!!! Macam hampeh jer. Tampo kang!! So did not manage to get Nana's picture wearing that hat coz we were busy laughing at what just happened.

Seronoknyer Nana!!! Last2 tak jadik le beli apa2 pun. Im still waiting for Ben Thant Market. Thats the highlight of the whole shopping trip.

I think we went to the Night Market almost every day!! Malam tu pi carik selipar terompah plak. They were so bloody the cute!!

Pompuan baju puteh tengah ketok2 selipar terompah ni sangat sombong. I just dun understand why they have to be sombong. Da la tu, duduk terkangkang2. Do we want to see your chipempom?? No, thank you!!! Simpan jer ler. Yek!!!

Cian opah Ima ni. Da la kaki disable, mintak sedekah kat Ima. Using sign language Ima tried to tell her she (Ima) got no money. I wonder if she was really diabled coz when a motocycle honked at her she could move faster than a disable old lady would. Miracle wasnt it?? Hmm...

The highlight of the night was the ice cream!!! I was glad we did that!!! Yay!! I must confess, the ice cream wasnt what I was hoping. Kinda milky!! Yucks!!! Tapi da order kena ah makan. Kang rugi ah.

Owh... sebelum terlupa, kebanyakkan gegambor adalah hakmilik our Mr. Photophrapher, Mohd Hazrin Ismail... Gambar seperti di bawah!!! Phewittt....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Vietnam - Part 3

We started our second day in Vietnam to Cu Chi Tunnels. Masa mula2 tour guide tu sebut Cu Chi, I thought he was talking about Gucci. Pagi2 buta da citer pasal sejarah.

Ni dalam bas - Saadiah and Kak Faridah. The journey was like a trip to nowhere. Punyer la jauh, dekat satu jam setengah nak sampai.

Masa tour guide tu tengah explain the history behind the Cu Chi Tunnels ni punyer la buhsan. So I am unable to share the info with all. I wasnt concentrating. All I know masa perang ngan Americans they build the tunnels. Tunnels tu la macam tempat mereka berlindung or smthing like that. The next thing we did was to see the tunnels.

They needed 2 volunteers, a girl and a boy to go into the tunnels. The catch was they needed 2 people of a certain size coz the tunnels were small. So my Suhana actually pushing me to go. She said this would be great to take pictures. So without knowing anything, I went la. Little did I know the tunnel was quite deep. My legs were too short; once Im down there, it would be hard for me to pull myself up coz my arms were not strong enough to support my weight to pull myself up. I was contemplating but it was too late coz I was already halfway down. So I just sat there. Smua orang suruh turun not understanding my situation. Camner nak kuar nanti. Masa tu panik la gak. Akhirnyer masuk la jugak.

Tak sabar2 orang tu nak tutup I dalam lobang tu. Cuba bawak bertenang. Da le gelap bawah tu. Rasanyer kalo Saadiah atau Nurul masuk senang skit coz they got longer legs. Kak Faridah would have a problem like me coz it would be too deep for her too.

Padan muka, last2 one of the tour guides had to pull me out coz I couldnt pull myself. Padan muka kena tarik ketiak I yang berpeluh tu. Ewww...

Nanti kite sambung lagi...