Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kawen Jer La Ngan Bola Tu...

Okay, so today lets talk football. A topic I know nothing about. Here's a question: Why is it fans of English Premier League are so obsessed with their respective teams (MU, Liverpool, Chelsea.... dan yag sewaktu dengan nyer) but they never support England?? The English team consist of some of their favourite players from their so called favourite teams but they sometimes kutuk England. So whats the story here?? If they think England is a ridiculous team to support and they are not as strong, then whats with the obsession?? When asked who is your favourite player they will answer Rooney. But when asked which team do you support their answer would be some other teams; Spain, Italy, Germany, Argentina. I think the EPL is overrated. They have become too commercialized. It only proves that they are not as good as they projected themselves. They may be heroes among their small clubs, but when faced with other giants in this field, they are zero. Too bad that they do not have loyal supporters in them. Well, perhaps within the English people themselves. Tembak diri jer ler England!!!

Wayne Rooney, my nephew's favourite player, I think. Betol ker Dam?? I wonder which team he is on.

The supersexy Christiano Ronaldo. He is even hotter without the hideous football jersey!! Ggrrr.. Nasib ader gambo ni. Decent sket.

Miroslav Klose. Im on his team just in case you are interested to know. Not that I understand why a bunch of grown ups running around like monkeys trying to get the ball. Just to jump on the bandwagon, when people ask me my answer will be "I support Germany". And they are qualified for the next round. Yiipppeee!! (Not that I understand why Im happy about it) I jump simply pick a team. So should you. Hehehe...

So,which team are you on?? Im sure most who are obsessed with the EPL in my family do not even care about how England would fare in the world cup. I wonder which team my brother is on?? My guess is Netherlands but I could be wrong. Hmmm...

Enough of this football talk. Im out of here...


Mr Banna said...

Yeah, you are half correct. It's Holland and Argentina. I also have a soft spot for Portugal and South Korea. As for Rooney (and the other Manchester United players), I hope he/they does/do well and not get himself/themselves injured. Most of all, I HATE Brazil and Spain (to a lesser extend). Disappointed Australia and South Africa were eliminated.

Unknown said...

Yes acuks my favorite player is Wayne Rooney(Manchester United).Kalau world cup Adam suka Host,Asian team and New Zealand :) hehe GO ASIA !!!!!!! to bad South Africa and New Zealand are out of the World Cup huhu

Mr Banna said...

Adam! Pukul 12.44 pagi pun tak tidor lagi?!? Weekday pulak tu!

arinah_albakri said...

check me out!
3.13am n still awake!
the night is still young, baby! ;)
btw, i sokong England..
kalau tak, Japan or team aljuma aka Korea..
support Asia jugak!
sebenarnya, im with you, cuk..
i tak tgk pun world cup..
maen pick any team..

p/s : i think i know why babah ada soft spot for Portugal. NOT bcos of CR for sure! ;)

Mr Banna said...

Woits ... England dah kalah! Now for Rooney to have a good rest and be fresh for for the EPL 10-11.

You think you know me ah Kak In?!? Wrong reason for Portugal la!

wolfgirl said...

England da kalah ngan Germany! Hehehe... Germany lawan Argentina next!! Sure stress on my part!!

Kak In mesti sokong Japan ok. Nape Hishama sokong Portugal?? Ada story ka??? Tell me ah...

I hope Portugal will kick Spain's asses!! Woohooo...

Mr Banna said...

Kak In thinks it's becoz of Yaya. Yaya suka Portugal coz it sounds like Portu-GIRL. Dia suka Girl la; and si Anas pulak suka Argentina. Anyway, Kak In lupa that I admired the way PortuGIRL main since the days of Luis Figo, Rui Costa, etc. Pity they were humiliated by South Korea in the 2002 World Cup. Obviously when Ronaldo came along, the soft spot is still there, even bila Ronaldo dah left Man. United (this fact Kak In tak tahu ; she said, "Oh, ya ke?").