Friday, June 4, 2010

Winter Sonata

Owh wow, I havent been updating the blog for quite sometime. If I were paid to maintain this blog, I would have been fired a long long time ago. I hope nobody forgotten the existence of this blog. So sit back a relax as I will take you on a journey you will never forget. I am taking you to Korea. I spent about a week traveling to the capital of Korea, Seoul (atau nama lain ialah Siol), Tongyeong known as the land of the sea and Busan.

They say Korea is a very nice place to visit. Whats so special about Korea, I often asked myself. Unless you are into guys/girls with small eyes or secretly dreamed of being in the world of Winter Sonata then this dog eating country is definitely for you. Well, if the truth must be revealed that was before and I am happy to report that I couldn't be more wrong. You see, Korea was never in my list of countries to visit. I don't remember ever wanting to experience their culture. Not until my friend was given this fantastic opportunity to build her first year of marriage in this land of Kimchi - which taste horrible by the way.

The people are rude (especially in Seoul). They push others around, elbow us when they are in a rush. Where are you rushing to?? Are you catching a plane or something. They do not see the importance of learning English which is an international language by the way and they expect us to learn their language during our short visit. Way too arrogant to communicate with us in English let alone learn the language. At least for the foreigners sake. Especially now as they launched their visit Korea or was it Seoul campaign. And worst of all, there's a double standard in treating the people over there. Had some real experience in Seoul which would be too much to share in one blog entry. So we may have to get back to that another time.

As for the food, I cant really comment much. I was never adventurous when it comes to food. But I must say that I saw a few weird looking animals at their market and tasted some which I had never before. All in all, it was good, all because my friend cooks and mostly we had sea food. One thing for sure, shrimp burger is super famous over there. McDonald's has got the best. Yummy!! I'm drooling here.

Korea itself may be rich with history, (though I myself am not too sure but that's not the subject now), but it pains me to say that they do not really represent the image that most would have towards the East - friendly, respectful,helpful, polite, courtesy. Okay, not all are like that, but in general this is how we the East people have been projecting ourselves.

Despite of all the complains I've been making, it is a wonder that there are heaps of foreigners here in Korea - Seoul particularly. Having witnessing that, I started to ask myself, is Korea really that bad or is it just me?? Whats with the resistance to their way of life?? It's not like I'll be living here my whole life. So suck it up and follow their lead. And that's what I did for one whole week. That was when I realized that Tongyeong and Busan may not be as developed as Seoul, but they are the ones with all the positive values the Eastern people are famous for. Of all the 3 cities I've visited, Busan would be the most appealing for me. It's beautiful, the people are friendly, you can shop til you drop (which I did) and that was more than enough for a week's visit. At least for me.

Unfortunately though, their currency is bigger than us and their standard of living is one of the highest in the world. So go figure. You need at least a million won (about RM3,000) for a single trip like what I did. A secretary earns at least 6 million won a month. So you can imagine how much those with a professional profession could earn in this country. Of cause, tax is also high.

Though I never learned a single word of Korean, let alone understand Hangul, it was definitely one of my memorable experiences as I had several raw encounters with the Koreans. Unlike if you are in a traveling group, you will have an easier approach of understanding this beautiful Republic. So, would I recommend Korea to anyone. You bet I would.


Mr Banna said...

Hmm ... akhirnya! Dah pergi tu udohle, stop bitching la! Look at me, RM1,600 + (doesn't include the RM500 that was given to you directly bila awak dah balik - itu duit bini aku) dah habis. T-shirt ketat, tapi nasib baik the Lote Ghana sedap; itu pun it was discovered very late (ie day before yesterday)in our fridge. Now dah habis pun! Hmm ... (again)!

wolfgirl said...

ala, rm1,600 is nuthing le compared to the big fat pay you receive every month. i spent more than that and my pay is less. as for the t-shirt ketat, lagi ketat lagi sexy aper. hehehe... betol tak kak in... ??

arinah_albakri said...

mmg betul!
lg ketat, lg sexy!
baru la org ckp cute!
tgk anas..
nasib baik tak beli spongebob yg ketat eh, acuk?
kalau x, SEXY, u!!!
nywae, im waiting for entry on aljumas..

p/s : chocs dia, mmg sedap!!!!!
y oh y tak beli byk2 haritu??

Mr Banna said...

Kak In - 2.18 pm still tak keluar rumah lagi?!? Kata nak tengok wayang?!? Please refer to my sms to Adam for this and that ... nanti kena bebel!!!

wolfgirl said...

Wah, this blog is the new way to communicate between father and daughter. Hehehe...

Kak In, you are correct!! See how adorable Anas is!!! Ketat is good!!! Hehehe...

arinah_albakri said...

owh yes, u bet ketat is good!
wait til u see him wearing spongebob's "I LOVE NERDS!"
bought in phil, tak sampai rm14!
murah gilaaaa!

nywae, babah kan..
he has so many ways of communicating!
duduk dlm the same house pun nak kena call fon..

wolfgirl said...

eh, kasi la gambor anas pakai baju ketat tu...

arinah_albakri said...

owkie, nanti i'll send u gambor anas.

Mr Banna said...

Thank you Kak In for kutuking me (see your 15/6/10 posting).