Monday, June 7, 2010

Wealth or Good Looks??

About a week ago, one radio station was discussing about wealth and good looks. They were asking the listeners between the two qualities, which would they look for in a partner. Wealth or good looks?? Most would choose a rich husbands/wives rather than good looking ones. Some were saying they would rather choose a good looking partner cause true love lasts forever compared to money. What??? Bodo nyer!! Yang pelik nyer, boleh DJ tu terkejut bila orang kata they would go for wealth. Whats wrong with that??

  • First of all good looking doesn't mean true love. Are you gonna act towards every other good looking man and woman you meet?? If that is the case, then every good looking man and woman is your true love. Stupid!! You may be attracted to that person, but that doesn't mean you have to act upon the attraction. What if you are married?? Are you gonna leave your spouse cause you've met another good looking person?? I think its just a psycho test of love on humans.
  • Some say better have a good looking husband than a rich one. If they are rich, they will have mistresses. Also stupid because, what makes you think a good looking man doesn't cheat. Both will cheat if they wanna cheat regardless if they are rich or good looking. Someone was saying if you are good looking, your partner will not cheat on you. Owh really?? What about Cheryl Cole?? She's gorgeous and yet her husband had a string of affairs.
  • Wealth or good looks they fade. So it doesn't matter what you choose, at the end of the day both do not last very long if you do not know how to manage them.

I guess it all depends on your preference. Some do not really go for looks, but they go for what their partners could provide them. Some would rather have a good looking ones, regardless if they are morons so their partners could be their trophies. Some will look for average looking partners, with average backgrounds and average pocket size. Whatever your pick is, its your right. There's no right or wrong answer to that. Different people look for different qualities in a partner. Tak payah la buat2 terkejut bila orang dah kasi their opinion.

Wealth or good looks?? So, whats your pick??


Mr Banna said...

Alamak! Another one of those postings that I have no clue what you are blabbering about! Mana cerita pasal 'aljumas' ... Oh when the Saints ... lagi best as compared to your posting yang kena pikir2 ... bosan le! Cerita le jugak pasal that Berok Mok Yeh yang beradu kekuatan dengan awak ... LOL!!!

arinah_albakri said...

owh, now i know mana u dpt perkataan 'beradu' tu..
sorry, i baca yg beruk mok yeh dulu..
baru baca dis one..
kan betul, babah yg interested sgt!
no wonder la dia ckp u cute n comel!

btw, my answer is neither..
i'd go for someone with average looking, with average backgrounds and average pocket size :)
im juz quoting u back, arent i?
well, its true..
if he is wealthy and/or good-looking, it'll be extra points for me:)!
plus, if im attracted to him, then, he is good-looking someway IN MY POINT OF VIEW.

wolfgirl said...

Betol tu Arinah_Albakri. Different people different kan...

arinah_albakri said...

penat titik peluh air tangan jari i je tulis pnjg2!
u replied kecik kecoet je eh!
sampai hati..

*sob sob*