Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gossip gossip jer..

I am truly disappointed - no action this morning. I thought with the Persidangan DUN taking place there will be something interesting to capture. Buat berat jer bawak camera. I guess finally people are more aware of the consequences of getting caught. Plus there are helicopters flying above as I am writing this. Smua orang takot kot.

The problem with our nation is, I think the top people here are too busy defending their position in the government that they just dun care about us, the rakyats. They are too busy promoting corruption - thats their main source of income. Orang kata "make hay while the sun shines". So as long as they are at the top positions this is what they'll promote. I got some non-Malays friends complaining to me saying that how unjust it is for the Malays to be given all the priorities and quotas. How little did they know of their history. How sad is that?? Kalo tak tau tak payah cakap la. And on top of that, its not about being Malays or non-Malays. Its about who you know in the government. If you are fortunate enough to have a place to play a game of corruption with them, then well done!!! You are one step ahead of the rest. Not all Malays are given the privilege. Money talks.

And I realized the party leaders talk a lot in hopes of taking one person or one political party down. But all talks and no action to improve the situation. They talk about sodomy, they gossip about a murder by one of the top member of the government, they feel guilty about looking at Beyonce's bellybutton and her raunchy dance moves that they thought the whole nation is like them. Owh kena ban Beyonce. Bole merosakkan aqidah rakyat. Little did they know not all are like them!! How stupid is that?? I think there are other bigger issues they should concentrate on. Look at where our economy is heading. We've had a 5 years time lapse during the reign of anak Badawi. Anak Razak will have to work harder. Don't just dwell on it, do something. Slow jer nak amek action.

Fully aware that the country is multiracial, with people from diff backgrounds and beliefs, they need to build a stronger relationship where the Muslims and other minorities religions could exist together. Unfortunately the Muslims are fighting among themselves for power. So theres no point talking about 1 Malaysia la.

But at least things are better under anak Razak. Lets just expect the worst and hope for the best...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Brain Freeze

Hmmm... I dunno what to write. Been a while since my last entry, but my wonderful brains refuses to come up with some coherent theme to talk about.

Ah, I know. Since we are all in the wedding mood, let me congratulate Ivanka Trump on her wedding!!! Shes married to Jared Kushner. Weird, there was not much publicity. Maybe because we dun even live in the same continent. But I must say her husband looks like a mullet. Im sowie, he does ok. Well, that doesnt matter, as long as she's happy!! Yay!!! I actually googled him, and Im glad to report that he doesnt look too bad. They should have put a better pic. Rupenyer he owns the New York Observer. And plus they both are into this real estate business. Something they have in common. For a trust fund baby, I think shes inspirational. To me la. And her jewelry collection... They are some really nice ones, but mak ai.. crazy expensive!!!

As rich as Donald is, I dun understand why he doesnt wanna do something with his hair. Weird isnt it?? Ivanka is lucky she doesnt have Daddy's hair. Owh and that little Barron Trump is such a little darling. Looks like he's got to thank Mummy Melania for his good looks.

The other thing is 2moro I have to be in the office early in the morning. By 7.30am no cars are allowed due to the persidangan kat SUK. I think I'll bring my camera this time. Mana la tau kot2 ader benda2 yang wajib ditangkap. Bole masuk dalam ni. Hmmm... Hopefully takde unsur2 nak terberak ke aper ker la. Takleh nak balik2 umah ni. Mau tak leh masuk balik kawasan opis. I would hate to berak in the office. The toilet is disgusting!! Yuck!!

Ok peps, gotta run... Later...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Saper Nak Bayar Ni???

Okay, Nana's wedding adventure is coming up soon. So finally I sent my bajus all for tailoring!!! Yipppeeee.. One for the 'akad nikah', one for the hotel and one for Teluk Intan. All together 3 pairs. Kaya Lee Lee. Shes my tailor. I like her coz she will give me feedbacks. Yay Lee Lee!!!

I know, I know, Im not the one getting married, but Im the bride's maid. Owang gaji pengantin pun mesti ah pakai cun2 sket. Bru betol!!! Bling2 here, bling2 there. But not too goddie la. If the truth must be revealed I must say Im kinda excited to see how the end result will be like. With the lace, and the beading works, Im sure its gonna cost me a bomb!!! But the thing is, I often wonder if I could pull it off. Now, the question is, where can I get the money?? Shall we plan a heist?? To pull that off I need an army of minions... Maybe the little kiddies could be my little minions. Hwahahaha... Patutnyer amek gegambor kengkain tu kan... Bleh letak dalam ni...

Bajus aside, I need to look for shoes. Hmm... I wouldnt wanna stand next to Nana looking like a dwarf. Dang!! Ni yang payah ni.. I just dun understand how you walk with 4 inches heels. Even wearing something less than that, after a couple of hours, I swear I could hear my feet begging me to take it off. Good news is, I already bought a pair of pinkish shoe for the hotel reception. Macam ader unsur2 cun!!! Do we need to get red heels as well for the 'akad nikah'?? Yang kat Teluk Intan nak pakai colour aper?? Bajuku berwarna puteh, disulami beads biru. Apakah warna kasut yang sesuai untuk itu?? Hmmm....

Any thoughts, any one???

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I honestly do not understand why people always misconstrue whatever I say. The end result is they tend to make up their own assumptions. Sometimes all I need is someone to just be there and listen. How hard could that be?? It doesnt take a genius to do that. I do not need any advise nor do I need someone to give me one long lecture. If I need any of that, I could always ask. Tak payah nak susah2. Sometimes, I just need to express whats inside of me, certain things I just cant keep on bottling up inside. At one point I'll burst. That would be even worst. But oh no.... They need to say something back, like as if I am the one asking for this stupid shit. I can honestly say that sometimes it bleeds my ears just to listen to them. Can you please shut up and listen for once?? Something so small and irrelevant could even be a big deal just because they misunderstood me.

What would I do???
  • Keep quiet...
Ever heard of silence is golden?? I guess thats so true. Certain things are better left unspoken. What you dunno doesnt hurt you. So no need to share. If you tell pun, it will stir things up and you'll end up arguing about something so stupid. Buat sakit hati jer.
  • "Ntah la" and "I dunno" should be your favourite phrases to use
One thing I realized, these two phrases will stop people from goin further with the conversation. If you're too tired of keeping quiet and be the victim of nagging, these two phrases are the alternatives. Most of the time it will end the conversation with nobody cursing each other, banging doors or throwing things around. One thing I can tell, the other person might be frustrated or annoyed at you coz everything is "ntah" and "I dunno" for you. But who cares!!!

From now on, maybe I should just keep things to myself. No need to share with anyone. Its not like they care. Everyone is too selfish of themselves. I am stupid enough thinking sharing could lessen the burden. Many people think life is a bed of roses for me. Everything comes easy. I dunno they just dun see or they pretend all is alright. The power of denial I guess. When they want something they come to me, when I need something from them, macam2 I have to go through. Most of the time tak dapat pun.

Malas mau cakap banyak2. Ntah2 they misinterpret this...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Raya Part 4

Hwahahaha... Whats so funny Arinah?? Lalat masuk molot ker?? Smua tak tengok camera...

I think this one not so bad. Smua tengok camera tak Anas muka herot la plak...

The whole family. Sabar and family jer takde.

Big Na and lil Na... Lil Na was forced to kiss big Na... Hehehe...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Raya Part 3

More pictures to share... This is of us (me and nana) with Hisama's girls... I think this was taken during the 2nd day of Raya. Ops... Alisha, where are you... Owh... there you are...

Posing sana, posing sini, datang la seorang hero yang bernama Anas. He wasnt in a good mood in which I couldnt be too sure of the season. Could it because we were snapping pics without him?? Hmmm... Anyway, he stayed with us on the stairs... This is the best result...

There are a lot more pics to share, but Im just too lazy to upload the pics...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Raya Part 2

This is my favourite boy!!! In this particular pic, I think he looks like a groom. Macam tengah tunggu Tok Kadi. Hehehe... So handsome. I wonder where he got his good looks from.. From his Acuks I think. Relax Hisama, tak perlu tarik2 rambut smua okay... Control, dun turn into the Hulk.

They always ask me, why Anas?? Its hard to explain, but this boy is very manja. At least to me. Sure he is a little naughty at times, but thats normal - he's just being a kid. Kalo kaco2 Shina tu, kekadang Shina start dulu. Sowie Acuk Na, but its true. I saw with my own eyes. Kat KFC okay..

Of coz he doesnt listen a word from me. Not even my words of wisdom. He doesnt even realize when I scold him thinking its just me and my funny way of expressing myself. But he's got a way with me. Pandai pujuk!!! He is somewhat funny, independent, smart. Have a conversation with him, the things he says will make you laugh. He makes me happy.

Bcoz he is a big boy, he is somewhat shy of his body. Some people (better not mention names) like to tease him because of that. Rasa macam nak tampo2 jer saper2 yang cakap camtu. Those people all jealous of him. If you ask me, I would say his size what makes him so much more lovable. Best untuk dipeluk2. Geram!!!

I dont think any words could do justice to how much he is loved. You just have to get to know him to understand what Im talking about. Its amazing how easy it is to love him. Unless you are heartless, you wouldnt understand a word Im saying!!! I honestly think everyone should have their own little Anas at home coz he truly is a wonderful kid to have around - he will change your life for a better one.

Raya Part 1

Finally I am able to share with all some Raya pics. Since Im lazy to upload all, this is as good as it gets... Sowie for the delay...

This is the morning of Hari Raya... Kak In busy doll_ing herself... Da lawa da tuh Kak In...