Friday, January 29, 2010

Heartbreak Kid

What do you say to someone who just told you shes being dumped by her fiance?? How do you console her?? How do I run dry her tears?? Or would it be better to just listen and say nothing?? I mean, they were together for 6 long years. Suddenly, out of the blue he said "Its over". What went wrong?? Could it be the distance?? But if they could survive 5 long years of long distance relationship, why give up now?? And he didnt even have the balls to do it gentlemanly. He broke up with her through sms. What a jerk. Shes all heartbroken now and I dont even know what to say to her. After 6 years perhaps all the love is worth fighting for?? I dunno. I cant be asking if shes all right. Obviously shes not. But I did it anyway. I asked. She said shes ok. Tapi itu kata dia. After all the crying, it doesnt take a couple of hours for her to be ok. It'll take time, thats for sure. But the whole break up proves that God has got other plans for her. Maybe this is for the best.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Most Desirable Women 2010 - do we really care?? I dun think so...

Errr... I havent been able to write anything lately. Nothing comes to mind. I just dunno what to write. Just the other day I had this long and weird conversation with one of Babah's friend. He was giving me some advice on how to choose a husband. Yikes!!! Should have just jump out of the window. Or maybe I should have push him out of the window. Yes, a stranger giving me advice on how to pick a husband!!! Im not sure if its weird or disturbing. Coz he gave me way too much information that I do not need. Nooooooo!!! Conclusion nyer dia kata, "A good man is someone who knows arah tujuan perjalanan hidupnyer. Tahu ke mana arah yang benar untuk membimbing isteri dan keluarga." Thats the gist of it la.

Anyway, I was just browsing tru the internet and on the Yahoo page ada la Top 10 Most Desirable Women of 2010. Out of curiosity, obviously I checked it out. Heres the thing, how do you actually pick who is desirable and who is not?? From what criteria?? Why do we even need the Most Desirable Women list?? Why not Most Desirable Men?? With the existence of the list, does it mean women are constantly being judged?? Are we seen as objects?? Beneath the glamorous exterior lies a mother, a wife, a daughter to someone. No doubt they will be flattered being called the most desirable but for what purpose?? Im sure the list was based on votes. These are the top 5 ladies voted by the male species:

At number 5 we've got the oh so boring Jessica Alba! Men seem to love her. I think shes zzzzzzzzzzzz.... Ops punyer la buhsan tertido!!!

Number 4 spot goes to the Victoria's Secret bombshell Alessandra Ambrosio. Not gonna say anything, no surprise here.

Wah, the English rose Kate Beckinsale at number 3. One of my favourite actresses.

Another one of the Victoria's Secret Angel, Marissa Miller at number 2. Hah, yang ni susah nak carik a decent picture of her. Everything protruding for this girl. Finally I managed to find a decent but not so flattering picture of Malibu Barbie. Yiippeeee..

And the number one place for The Most Desirable Woman of 2010 goes to......

Drum roll please.......

Ta da......

Who is she?? I dunno!!! The name is Chriqui, Emmanuelle Chriqui. Cute!!

So, conclusion I could draw from this exercise is... it is in the nature of a man to desire someone else's wives/spouses. Ada benar ka?? Miss Chriqui an actress (I googled her) is the only single girl in the top 5. Alba, Ambrosio, and Beckinsale are all mothers. Miller is a wife but not sure if shes a mother. Will call her to find out. Ahaks... The list is actually pretty long and most of the single ladies are towards the end of the list. So I ignored the list after some time. Number 6 to 10 as below:

6) Beyonce (married to Jay-Z the music mogul)
7) Penelope Cruz
8) Cheryl Cole (married to Andy Cole the footballer)
9) Eva Mendez
10) Miranda Kerr (she will only marry Orlando Bloom if he showers a little bit more - hehehe)

My question is, apa purpose list ni?? Your question for me would be.... apa purpose entry ni?? Hmm...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bald is the new sexy!!!

OMG!!! I honestly cannot decide if it pains me to look at the picture or if its too horrifying for me!! Am I losing my hair?? Im balding la wei!! Is that the result of eating too much Maggie Mee?? I don't think so. I've got my hopes high that it was caused by the Mak Andam when he was doing my hair. I believe there are ways to cover the balding spots but because we were in a hurry, it wasnt covered properly. On top of all that, I've got very thin hair. Hmmm.. Still that doesn't change the fact that Im balding!! Dang!!!

The good news is, Im not the only one balding here. Isnt that so Nana?? Yes!! Also, Cik Tim is facing the same thing. I guess it runs in the family. So what shall we do with this balding spot??

  • Hair treatment (but that would cost me a bomb - it will be a few series of treatment)
  • Hair growth products (does it really work??)
  • Change the way you style you hair (still it does not change the fact that I am losing hair)
  • Change to hair loss shampoo (yeah, like they work)

Owh no!!! My brains refuses to function!! What to do? What do I do?? Maybe Arinah could come up with a series of suggestions?? Besides, I've seen her balding spot too!!! It runs in the family darling!!! :))

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Social Standing...

In the land of the school children, to become a prefect is something huge!! What more if you are appointed as the Head Prefect. It the land of our society, the prefects title is similar to having a Dato' status atau yang seangkatan dengannyer. Well, thats how I see it. Its all about status. Owh, you're a prefect so you are expected to be intelligent and a natural leader. But reality check!!! Not all prefects are intelligent or even a natural leader. Same think with all the Dato's in the country - not all are rich and deserves the title.

Until today I do not understand how teachers pick their prefects. I was a prefect myself in secondary school. I was never the Head Prefect - if I were, that would erupt the peacefulness of the school. But I honestly think they picked the wrong twin as prefect. I believed they were confused between me and Nana. I loved to tell stories back then, I wasnt that friendly with my teachers, I loved to fool around, I wrote spiteful letters to my junior (Rathiga being my partner in crime - but thats another story). Perhaps, they picked me as a prefect due to my father being the head of PTA?? I think I nailed the jack pot with this one. Yes, that has got to be it!!

Anyway, heres a flashback. We were having our first Physics monthly test. So being a moron in Physics, we never understood what was going on. So we did what we knew best back then, we cheated!!! Yes, me the school prefect cheated together with Rathiga (also a prefect), Jessica (another prefect), Thavanes (librarian) and Lynn (statusless). The best part was, we were caught cheating because all our answers were the same!!! Three out of the four prefects in the class were caught!! Mun Ee being the fourth prefect were too retarded and refused to joined in our little fiasco!! All of us were Physics morons and it was like the blind leading the deaf!! It all happened during the first week dapat prefect uniforms. Mr. Foo our Physics teacher atau nama manjanyer Mr. Fool made us re-take the test. He said he will not report us ( I think because he knew my father was in the PTA and so was Rathiga's father) Phew, thank God!! That was close. So we re-sat the test and guess what?? I wasnt such a moron after all. I got 84% out of a 100%. Hahaha... People were cursing me coz the paper was easier compared to the first one. Well, too bad they never cheated.

What Im trying to say is, being a prefect you need to carry yourself with pride. No fooling around as it is a huge responsibility. It helps you shape the person you're gonna be when you grow up. If you need to do something stupid, be smart and try to get away with it!! Seriously. That would be my advice to Adam!! Hehehe... Some advice huh?? No doubt being the Head Prefect or even just a Prefect gives you an advantage, never misuse them.

This entry is pretty long, I better stop now before you fall into a coma reading this...

Congrats to Adam who is now the Junior Head Prefect of St. John!!! Make us proud and dun cheat!!! Hehehe...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

What were they thinking!!!

I was looking at this picture and it struck my mind, Anas buat aper tu?? What was he doing when the picture was taken?? Did he realize he was being photographed?? What went on his mind?? People were dispersing and here he was busy with the egg. If he wanted to eat it, why wait til the end of the event?? He could always have the egg when people are still eating.

Have you ever wonder what goes on in a child's mind?? Sometimes its fun to have a little conversation with the little ones. My favourite would be my Anas and baby sayang. It has been established that Baby Sayang talks like an old lady. Almost like an old lady trapped in a child's body. Im sorry, tapi ye, macam Makcik2. And she could talk and talk and go on forever.

Kak In and Baby Sayang looking so sweet and beautiful!!

My Anas on the other hand is different. This is how I see Anas:

  • Doesnt talk nonsense
  • He could be kinda quiet
  • A bit of a loner
  • He projects himself as blur but in truth - a total opposite

Im curious to know what goes on his mind during Nana's wedding. He doesnt say things out loud, but I know his mind was processing something during the whole event. About being a flower boy and all. I know for sure he knows he looks good wearing a suit. Once he was dressed that night, he went to the girls' room to parade himself. Waiting for us to compliment him. Of coz, being a handsome devil himself, he got what he wished for.

Once we were having a conversation about school and study. He said why would he study when he could still remember all the things taught in the class. Everything is still fresh in his mind. And here most people think he is as blur as he looks. Looks could be deceiving eh??

Children may just be children to most people, but I think their opinions are valuable. They may not be as matured as us, but its great to tap into their minds and see how they view certain situations. Maybe after a couple of years, go back to the same conversation, who knows they might change their opinions. So never underestimate the young ones. Sometimes they could think better than you may imagine.

My all grown up nephews looking so handsome and dashing!!

Another great pic of Adam and Kak In. But I dunno how to rotate the bloody picture. Blame it on El (Mr. Photographer) for locking the pics to this position.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Vanity rules!!!

I always believe that I am not vain. As much as I want to believe that, I...

  • Visit the beauty parlor at least once a month, to trim my so called Amazon forest eyebrows
  • I try to keep certain parts of my body as hairless as possible - takmo la ader yg terjuntai2 terkuar
  • I work out at the gym hoping that one day I would miraculously turned into Alessandra Ambrosio or any one of the Victoria's Secret's models
  • I do not practice any French manicure or pedicure but I do make sure my nails are in order
  • I may not know how to style my hair but I keep it simple by going for rebonding and hair treatment - easy to manage
Is that vanity?? I am not vain! Am I?? I don't think so. But is it so wrong to be vain?? I'm not even close to being a narcissistic person but I realized there live a little vain girl in all of us women. The difference between me and you is our level of vanitiness. Is that even a word?? Some vanity starts at a very young age. For example my little baby sayang...

Shes only four, but her vanity shines through. Hehehe.. What a cute little face!! I noticed she likes to look at herself in the mirror, she loves beautiful things (ain't we all??), she likes to decorate herself like a Christmas tree with Acuk Na's little trinkets. Even her birthday cake has to be the vain Miss Barbie!! I guess she spends too much time with Princess Barbie. And I've never seen Miss Barbie without the make-up!! Such low self-esteem Barbie ni!! :D Bad influence for baby sayang.

Why are women vain?? We are what we are not for the male population. Its almost like we are what we are for other women. Almost like a competition - the pressure to keep up with other women. I don't think men really care if you go for facial once a month. Some do not even notice when you change your hairstyle. To them everything is the same. Is that a new handbag?? He wouldnt know. But other women's antenna would definitely pick up if you're wearing your new Gucci dress even if they are all in the same colour. Some even know if its fake!! Of coaz having said all that, it all will benefit the men in the end. I mean, no man in this world would not be attracted to beautiful things, let alone a beautiful woman.

I think women can never run away from vanity. It is a part of being a woman!! Even baby sayang knows that!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

To Suhana....

My short speech…

When we were fetuses in Mak Abu’s tummy, we used to play hide and seek. But when we were angry with each other, coz she being Suhana liked to eat all my food, we would practice our karate together. That’s why sometimes Mak Abu could feel us doing somersault She thought we were normal, just like any other babies kicking their mummies’ tummies. So when the time came, we were debating who should see the world first, me or her?? So I thought let her go first, if we were being attacked on the other side of the world, she would have to go through it first. Yes, I may be lacked of nutrition, but I was definitely thinking smart back then. I did what I had to do, I kicked her out of Mak Abu’s kepompom!! Hiiiiyahhhh!!!

When we were growing up, we had our ups and downs. One minute we love each other, the next minute we couldn’t wait to kill each other. So you could imagine how I feel when she got married on 24th December 2009. It was one of the happiest and saddest day of my entire existence. Its weird, how happiness and sadness could collide during a wedding. Couldn’t kill her anymore!! *sigh* I confessed, I choked whenever I tried to extend my congratulations to her. Lots of waterworks going around and I surrendered to it all - life goes on.

Now that she’s got her knight in shinning armour to protect her, to be by her side at all times, I thought she would like to know that I’ll always be around to bitch about her shitty moments with him (should that moment comes) or whatever. Hehehe… I would fly with her when things are down, putting a beautiful smile on her forlorn frown. No doubt it will take a little time to adjust to the changes, and more changes to come in the future. Within that time there’ll be sorrows and aches but it will soon be evened out by the laughter and happiness that we share. One thing Im sure, though things will change, no one could take away what we have with each other. It will live long coz the bond that we share lives with us for eternity.

Ps: Jangan risau, you are nothing like a walrus!!! :))
