Friday, July 31, 2009

Bryce the new Victoria??

Rachelle, you're fired!!!

Owh, noooooooooo!!!!

Bryce, you're hired!!!

Apparently Rachelle was being replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard due to conflict in schedule. Rachelle is saying something else, Summit is saying something else. One of them is lying!!! Im not thrilled with the change, Rachelle is Victoria. But I cant deny Bryce is something else. The girl has got talent. Maybe she'll bring something different to Eclipse!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Baby sayang nak mandi...

  1. Shina - my little niece
  2. Acuk D - me
Shina (giving me that cute face of hers): Acuk boleh mandikan Shina??

Acuk D (surprised at such a request): Shina nak Acuk mandikan Shina?? Okay!!

I was surprised becoz Shina never wanted me to "mandikan" her. She's so much fun to bully. Not to mandikan. So thats how I usually spend time with her. She's very much "manja" and "mengada" with Nana doing her penguin dance.

So Acuk pun mandikan la baby sayang!!! Okay...
  • Towel? ...... Checked!
  • Little pajamas? ...... Checked!
  • Baby lotion? ....... Checked!
  • Nappy rash? ....... Checked!
  • Pampers? ....... Checked!
Baby sayang da mandi its time to wear pampers... Acuk D was trying so hard to even up the sides of the pampers. Okay, before we go on any further, let me stress here that this was not the first time Im handling kiddies with pampers. I wasnt that clueless la.. But how many times so far and I could count with one hand la. Hehehe... Shina was not aware of what Acuk D was trying her best to achieve thinking that this amateur aunt of hers didn't know how to put pampers on. I think maybe deep down she thought I would put the pampers on my head. And this was what baby sayang said to me...

Shina (imagine her innocent face smiling): Macam ni Acuk, Shina ajar Acuk... (pointing the sticky part of the pampers) Yang ni kat sini...

She gave me a smile with little twinkles in the eyes. The girl was laughing at me...

Ai yoi yoi... I was too stunned actually I couldn't remember she used the word "ajar" or "tunjuk". It was more like ajar la wei??? Shes teaching me how to use pampers... No Shina, you dun have to ajar Acuk. Acuk tau.... This little angel speaks like an old lady!!! Seriously...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Moon Clips

Kak In, these two clips are for you... It may not be as clear as I hope, but it'll do...

This is the second clip with Alice... How strongly opposed are you to grand theft auto???...

Can you hear all the girls screaming?? This was recorded at the Comic Con Convention in San Diego. I swear if I were there, I would have clawed all the other girls. And you'll be hearing me instead!!! Hahah..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Time After Time

Wow!! This is probably the best version of "Time After Time" Great chemistry between Lauper and McLachlan!!!

Cindy, nape kena duduk terkangkang tu?? Nak main benda tu kena kangkang ker??? Ish... Tak manis la...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Is UPSR Still Relevant??

Mula2 depa nak tukar plak Maths and Science back to Malay. And now they are debating about UPSR plak. Hmm... Mangsanyer bebudak skolah.. Aper relevan nyer nak tukar2 ni?? Bodo betol depa ni... Very fickle minded. What?? They think just because they changed the cabinet, they need to change everything??

I honestly think UPSR is still relevant. Why?? Because before they actually move on to secondary school, we need to assess them based on the past 6 years in primary school. This would be an important exam to determine the students as to where they stand academically before they enter the secondary life. And I think they should assess these kids based on these subjects... Nothing more, nothing less. Tak payah nak eksyen2 amik banyak2 subject...

  • BM
  • BI
  • Maths
  • Science
Maybe they could incorporate History to it. I dunno. Is History being taught in primary schools?? It has been how many donkey years I left school. I lost touch somehow. Hmm... Those children who did badly for their UPSR will have to be detained. Thats the only way. With that in mind, Im sure the children will do their best and theres no questions about buta huruf atau tidak. The problem with the current system is, regardless of your UPSR results, you will definitely move on to secondary school. BIG MISTAKE!!! Thats why bebudak amik sambil lewa jer. Coz they know at the end of the day, they could still go for secondary school.

Ader masalah bebudak yg sampai 12 tahun pun tak rheti nak baca. I think in this case, lower primary plays as important role. This would be the time when the teachers with the help of the parents have to ensure that the children's basic in all subjects are very well established. Bila asas tu at least above average, it would be easier for both children and teachers. And they could still continue with teaching Maths and Science in English. Bukan nyer tukar the whole system. You need to go back to the core problem. It is not necessary to change everything. What an ass!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lets Play Paintball!!!!!!!!!

Its paintball weekend for me!! I had a blast playing paintball with a group of people I don't really know.

My team: Me, Wanda, Stephenie, Irwin and Mr. Wong...

It was my first time getting acquainted with paintball.. And I must say it was pretty interesting. Thank God I did not die the first few minutes when the game started. I was pretty worried someone would blow my head off after less than five minutes in the game!!

The first game was pretty scary and intense coz I saw all my team mates getting shot at. And I had no bloody idea what I was doing. Hehe... Everybody was looking but I managed to make my team proud!! Yay!!! We won the first game. I got shot on my fingers for the second game. Nasib sikit jer. I cannot imagine the pain. Some people say its painful. Some say its nothing but you'll get bruises. But the time we played the third game I was already tired. My arms were tired. We were goin against Fay's team! Dang!! Shes got some pretty good team members on her side!!

So what did I do?? I hid behind the abandoned building until everybody died. It was between me and another guy from the other team. He ran to the finishing line, he saw me, I saw him, he shot at me but he missed, and i shot him. I shot him again and again. And we won!! Yippee... Then I learnt he was running out of palletes/ammo. That was why i survived!! Talk about beginner's luck. He would have shot at me coz I was too weak to even lit up my marker/gun. Berat giler!!! Dang!!

I pulled out after the third game. Nobody could be this lucky after the third round. Better leave while I was basking in glory!!! Macam hampeh..

Kak In, maybe we could try this some other time...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

BANNED New Moon Trailer!!!

This is bloody hilarious!!!

I can't stop laughing!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The King of Pop!!!

I never thought I would write this entry coz I tried my very best to avoid it. But I just cant help it. From King of Pop they should give him the honour as The King of Plastic. I know, its pretty harsh.

I think everybody is a hypocrite when it comes to MJ.

"We love you Michael"

"We miss you Michael"

Hmm Uhm... Before his passing, people were saying how he was crazy to go through all these shit he put himself into. The skin pigmentation, his nose, being afraid of germs but were good friends with a chimp?? Whats up with that?? What about the child molestation?? Possibly but very unlikely. I honestly think he was misunderstood for his kindness acts to children. I mean, he was seen as a grown man who spent his time with children. I dont think it was healthy for a grown man like MJ to be spending most of his time in the company of little kids. Bizarre behaviour if you ask me. Maybe bcoz he had a poor childhood?? Possibly. But he started singing at a very young age and he simply shined doing what he did best. To get where he got at such a young age, he had to sacrifice his childhood.

At long last people started to appreciate him regardless of the damage he did to himself. I dont know, to me its almost like people are not sincere. So suddenly people started to kiss the gorund he walked on??

Thought of putting more pictures of the King of Pop himself but I think I better not do that. Lets not go into details with his appearance shall we?? He got scarier and scarier.

I was never a fan and will never be one. I honestly feel sorry for him. But for me, MJ will always be the musical genius that he was. What an incredible performer and a great artist. Looking at him performing was like having a spell put on you. You simply get hooked. A true legend and an icon. He was truly one of a kind.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Taylor Swift - Breathe

I always thought that "Breathe" by Taylor Swift would be a perfect song for New Moon. I am absolutely thrilled to stumble upon this fan made video of NM.

Listen to the lyrics and melody of the song. It is truly one of the most beautiful song ever written in my opinion.... Bravo Taylor and Colbie!!!

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

I went for Revenge of the Fallen last night. OMG, how I hated the first Transformers movie!!! Thank God the sequel wasn't as bad as the first one. If you are a Transformers fans, your eyes must be bleeding right this minute and you must be cursing me for saying this. I honestly do not understand the hype surrounding Transformers movie. I went for the first one and I think I was the only one in the whole world who didn't like the movie. Those who have seen the movie thought I was weird for not liking it. The sequel is called Revenge of the Fallen. From the title itself you could imagine the amount of actions and robots they've got for us. True, it was better than the first one but if truth be told, I did not understand half the story line. I was like, what?? Who cares about a bunch of alien robots!!! I liked Sam Witwicky's parents and I think his mother was hilarious!!! That was about it.

The whole movie was
like one long, long, looooooooooooooong advertisement to help Hasbro to promote their Transformers robots.

So what is Revenge of the Fallen all about?? Errr... I'm not too sure. About revenge I guess.
Okay, lets just say the movie was all about a super hot chick... Megan Fox

Plus super hot cars...

And a super boring hero... Shia Labeouf

I'm sorry, but I honestly think they need a new hero to be standing next to someone like Megan. The girl is gorgeous!! (Oh, that is until she opens her mouth. I think its best if she keeps quiet and not say a word) It just didn't do justice. The chemistry was off. You need someone equally hot walking beside Megan. But if they really have to have a simple looking boy with a touch of dorkiness, there's Toby Maguire. And Adam Brody would have been a cool Sam Witwicky.

See how cute Adam is...
Or maybe Penn Badgley... I think he is hot in a dorky kinda way...

Yay or nay??? I would give a BIG yay for both Adam or Penn!!! Oh well, all in all the movie was entertaining!!!