Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jom kite mengata si lembik...

I never thought I would say this out loud, but Im so bloody glad Calude is back. If its up to me, I would honestly say goodbye to Si Lembik and never look back!!! Nowadays, I cant even look at her face!! She annoys me to the max!!!

Masa Cik Tim kat KL last weekend, she actually offered to cook for Babah. Ish... Biar benor... Silap haribulan she cooks herself... Da la bila pegang tong sampah tak rheti nak cuci tangan... Eewww... Geli!!! Sangat tak terurus!! And I wonder who broke the microwave.. Could it be Chief Maid or Si Lembik. Chief Maid da biasa pakai microwave, umah punyer pon dia da biasa. Could it be Si Lembik who destroyed Timah's microwave?? Ia maseh menjadik satu misteri...

Her favourite phrase is "saya tak pandai" (with that disturbing soft voice) Aper yang dia pandai.. Maen cucuk2 remote kat molot pandai la... Baek stop skarang sebelom meletop!!!

Babai smua...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Cuti Cuti Cuti

Ni da nak raya ni tengah sebok sket carik maid nak tolong kat dapur. Si Ning tu bukan nyer aper, tapi minah tu macam ader unsur2 blur. Keje dia basuh pinggan, iron baju, basuh pinggan, iron baju, basuh pinggan, iron baju! Sakit jiwa betol dibuatnyer!!! Itu jer ler.

So cadangnyer nak amek la maid yg ader amek ari tu masa morei kat umah. Nama dia Ekor. Ok, I dunno how to spell her name, tapi punyi nyer macam tu ah. Ekor ker, Ako ker, samer jer la. Pompuan ni plak memang scary. Ari tu (the day before the morei), we went out for buka pose. Babah plak buka kat umah kawan. Kat umah tinggal ah 2 maid. Bole depa gado. Ekor kata, she was sleeping on the kitchen floor when Ning came to wake her up. Instead of waking her the proper way, si Ning tu pi amek remote tv cucuk kat Ekor. Cucuk, punyer cucuk, termasuk la kat molot si Ekor!!! Aper lagi, World War 3 ah!!! Giler!!! Si Ekor tu da la aggressive, dia pukol si Ning tu. Nasib masa tu Babah da balik umah. Kebetulan Babah tak lama kat umah kawan tu. So takde saper2 pon mati kena tikam. Si Ekor cakap kat Babah "saya mahu bunuh dia!" Hah!! Tu dia Ning, nasib ko la. Eeeeeeeee... Takot!!!

So raya ni, harap2 nyer ok ok jer. Kalo si Ekor tu yang tolong smua jgn kasi dia angry. Bahaya!!!

Moral of the story: Claude cepat ler balik!!!!

Selamat Hari Raya smua... Minta ampun mintak maaf. Da mintak2 ni, mintak duet raya skali!!! Yeehhhaaaaaaaaa!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Letter To Kanye Ass...

Kanye Ass,

Drama, drama, drama!! Your life will not be complete without dramas. You are definitely a class ass!!! Going up on stage stealing people's spotlight and interrupting the winner when she was giving her acceptance speech was rude. What was wrong with your tiny brains?? You were simply disrespectful!! The award was for Best Female Video. You were not even nominated for the category, unless if you see yourself as a female!!! It was not your time to shine. It was like you hit your empty head somewhere and *poof* you became an ass!!

You may think its cool to go on stage and embarrass your fellow artist, but let me tell you... it aint cool!! Ass!!! You may think its cool to go up the stage telling people how Beyonce should have won, ignoring Taylor, but I can tell you Beyonce herself was ashamed of your action. Clearly B was shocked with what you did. Hey, the votes came in and the award went to Taylor. Like it or not, deal with it!! I never liked you or your songs before but I am fascinated by how much of an ass you are. Arent you embarrass with what you've done?? You are all bitter because Taylor sells more records than you. She is way bigger than you. She makes more money than you and most of all, shes definitely more talented than you.

It saddens me with your shocking outburst. But whats even worst was your target was a teenage girl. You were attacking a lil girl for winning her first moonman?? Come on!!! Dont be such an ass. Dont you have better things to do than to bully a 19 year old girl?? Let the girl have her moment. Grow up and be a man!!! But the biggest winner of the night would be Beyonce for being a class act. Thanks to Beyonce, Taylor finally gave her acceptance speech. To B, theres a reason why you are the hero of so many girls out there... Owh, apart from your disturbing booty shaking.... Yay!!!

Bodo la ko ni Kanye.... Tampo kang!!!

You deserved your moonman Taylor......

You are indeed very thoughtful and gracious, B.......

False Alarm

Scary nyer tadi... Nape la pi amek cili pedeh tu bebanyak. Pastu sakit perut tak leh nak gerak2... Mengeram kesakitan, merepek yg bukan2. Ish... Smua da panik tak tau nak watper. Nak papah memang tak larat ah. Ajak pi klinik takmo. So we called the ambulance... Nasib ambulance tak datang lagi owang tu pun da ok. Leganyer. So we called back ambulance and cancelled. Of coz, we had to apologize kan. Tapi ambulance pon bongok!! Ader ker pi tanyer sakit aper, bole bangun ker idak, smua soalan bodo. Kalo bole smua tu idak ler nak panggil ambulance. Ish... What an ass!!!

So moral of the story, jangan amek makanan yg pedas... Menyusahkan badan jer...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Letter to Kak In

Dear Kak In,
  • 2day you are officially one year sexier!! (Phewittt... I sure hope Hisama's eyeballs are still in their sockets when he sees the word sexier. Hehe... )
  • 2day you are officially one year wiser!!
  • 2day you are officially a big gurl!! (Tahniah!!!)
  • 2day you can officially start going for all the 18SX, 18SG, 18PA, 18PL movies (Hehe...)
  • 2day you will officially receive something from me (Go look for Acuk Na)
By the time you read this, ur birthday pon da basi. Hehe... Just to wish you again, Happy Birthday Kak In.... Im not gonna say much coz you're a big gurl now and I know you can take care of yourself. Stay like Taylor Swift and know that me and Acuk Na will always be here for you...

Ciao chipempom...

Jom kite tengok saper terer wat reverse parking nak?? Ahaks...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Birthday Wish To Cik Timah

My mummy is so delicious!!! If I could eat her, I would. Too bad its the fasting month. Hehe... Blum pape da start merepek. It has been how many donkey weeks since the last time I posted an entry. So my first entry after weeks of hibernating would be a birthday wish to my dearest mummy, Puan Hajjah Fatimah Haron @ Haroun. Hah!! Penuh lagi tu..

I guess usually people would expect you to say nice things to the birthday girl. Im not gonna do that coz everyone knows what a wonderful and amazing mummy you are. Phewittt... Owh, and Im not gonna go all mushy2 coz I wouldnt want anyone to puke.

So heres a poem for you...

Cik Timah my dear mummy
You are so sweet
Cik Timah you're also a grandmummy
You make our lives complete

Cik Timah you gave us love
You run dry our tears
Never gave up on us
All through out the years

If anyone were to ask
Who Cik Timah is
I'll gladly content you're...
The greatest mummy in the whole wide world!!

Yay!!! To your grandchildren you are G.G.M = Greatest Grandmummy Ever but to me you are
G.M.E = Greatest Mummy Ever...

Woohooo... Pasni bleh ah dapat duet raya lebih sket... Hehehe...

Happy Birthday Mak, I know God must have loved me more coz He gave me you!!!

Wishing you:
  • long life,
  • good health,
  • prosperity (macam prosperity burger plak)
  • happiness always...