Friday, August 21, 2009

Selamat Berpuasa!!

Sok da start pose. Bile pose nanti, cuba ah sedaya upaya untuk tidak bermain dengan segala lobang yg ader pada diri anda. Hehehe... Macam baby Mama Donna dokong ni, ish ish ish... Gold digger rupanyer. Try digging harder... I have decided theres no time to ganti pose yg tinggal lagi 3 ari jer tu. Iye ker 3 ari jer ni?? If we just ignore the previous years, the answer is yes!! Lets not talk about the past. Its the future that concerns me. Hehe.. Macam hampeh jer..

So sempena bulan Ramadhan yang sememangnyer penuh dengan kelebihan, sila la amik kesempatan ini untuk beribadat!! Chewah... Now Im talking. Ader unsur2 Ustazah dak?? Ingat lagi disuatu ketika semasa masih di Uniten. Hidung ni plak wat hal, ayor idung meleleh2 tak henti2. Mula2 ingatkan kalo main jilat2 ok la kot. Eeeeee... Yeah, I know I know. I didnt do it pon!! Aper lagi, amik la actifed ubat selsema yang sesangat la mengantok! Ari tu plak ader kelas ngan Ustazah Endon (I think thats her name - tak ingat ah) Kite ni yang gatal dodok kat depan tu terhantuk2 kepala tak tahan mata nak lelap sesangat. Untazah sudah nampak. Eh, unta plak, cian ustazah, sejak bila plak jadik unta ye!!! Ops... Ustazah udah nampak. Ader plak rotan kat tangan tu. Tiba2 jer Ustazah Endon sudah rotan meja yang kite duduk tu. Hah! Aper lagi, terbeliak segala bijik!!! Terkezut betoi!!! Pastu terus tak ngantok!!! Hmm.. Ni da lari dari citer bulan Ramadhan ni.

Diharapkan bulan Ramadhan tahun ni, rajin2 la sembahyang Tarawih. Tu la, sebenornyer, diharapkan Tok Imam kat mesjid tu laju ah skit. Kekadang tu ngantok nak tunggu Tok Imam, susah skit nak concentrate dok teringat kat tv la, makanan la, tido la. Lambat bebenor la plak. Tapi takpe.

Kepada smua umat Islam, marilah kite sesama menyambut kedatangan bulan yang penuh berkat ini...

Selamat berpuasa...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kenapa ni???

Skarang ni slalu sangat la smua orang asyik not in a good mood. Better not mention who they are. But sometimes it saddens me. Most times than not, when A says something, B gets upset. Without realizing, it somewhat affects the others. Lets not talk about talking it through. It will make things even worst. I hate it when B gets upsets and very stressful. Smua benda tak jadik, sikit2 marah, and Im tired of all these. Once or twice I've wished I was elsewhere so I wouldnt have to deal with all these. And now that C has gone back home, everything is a rush. And everybody wants to do everything themselves. Malangnyer tak mampu la nak wat smua tu sendiri. Maklum la, we are just humans and not terminator machines. Susah la like that. We need to divide the things to be done. One person cannot afford to do everything. Satu lagi bila ader unsur2 tak sabar!!! Cuba bawak bertenang. Relax. Life is too short to be so stressful. Takde maknanyer!!! Ntah la... Malas mau cakap banyak2.. Im praying for the best!!!

Second New Moon Official Trailer

Kak In, this is the second official released trailer for New Moon. Sama macam yg French version. But this one is in English!!! Check out Jacob jumping/climbing from the tree into what I assumed as Bella's room!!! He moves like an animal!!! Oh my Jacob!!

The Twilight Saga: New Moon 'Meet Jacob Black' Preview in HD

Finally theres a glimpse of Jane, Victoria and even the wolf boys... Yippeeee... But Im sure those on Team Edward wouldnt be too happy with this trailer... Not even a glimpse of the Cullens. Not even little Alice!!! Hmmm...

Friday, August 14, 2009


Another Hasbro movie but unlike Transformers, I absolutely enjoyed myself watching that it last night!! Haha.. The reviewers weren't friendly with the movie. But to me it was absolutely entertaining! Action packed and fast! I know nothing about the comic (was it based on a comic?) and I recognized non of the characters. But for me it was like watching a game being played on the big screen. Betoi!!

What was the movie about?? Errr... Super hunk hero, super hot villain?? I sound shallow. Okay, its something about arms dealer and the G.I Joe team??? Who cares.

The Good
  • Super hot Channing Tatum (Hellllll-OOOO Duke! You make my knees go jellllll-ooooo!! ) Ader tisu dak?? Ayor lior meleleh ni...
  • Super loaded with action scenes
  • Super bad villain Sienna Miller aka The Baroness (she was awesome by the way!!)
  • Super cool gadgets

The Bad
  • Towards the end it was somewhat dumb!! Tetiba The Baroness became the damsel in distress.
  • We need a better Rex/The Doctor... Sowie Joseph Gordon-Levitt
And I remember Rachel Nichols from Alias. Hated her in the series, what a weakling!!! She redeemed herself in this movie by playing chick kick ass Scarlett.

Finally what can I say about Marlon Wayans. Laugh baby, laugh!!! All in all, I loved the movie! Yay!!!!

Tengok, jangan tak tengok!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Selamat Pengatin Baru Ima & Mazli

I think I was about 5 years old when her mother got married. When I turned 6, she decided to pop out of her mother's belly. And now, after 24 years, I attended HER wedding. Isn't it bizarre, I was at both mother and daughter's wedding day!!! Yippeee... Who is this Im talking about about?? Its none other than Isma. Majlis akad nikah on the 7th August 09 and reception dinner was on the 8th August 09. Eh.. gambo tak clear plak!! Macam hampeh jer... Carik gambo lain ah..

Ni nak citer skit ni, masa zaman dahulu kala, masa tu isma kechik lagi, slalu kena buli. Cian isma. Tapi isma ni suka ngadu kat babah. Kena usik skit isma mengaum pastu tu khang buli mesti kena marah. Time mengaji tu yang paling best. Cian makcik ngaji tu kena tunggu. Ader budak tu buat2 tido plak eh?? Shared some pretty interesting memories with Isma. Those were the days.

Ni malam akad nikah. Acuk Na jadik bibik Ima for the night. And also malam reception the next day.

Ima: Bik, tolong betolkan make-up ni?? Ayor mata rasa mcm nak terkuar...

Bik Na: Iya, baik buk!!

Camtu ah lebih kurang.

Of coz, lastly mesti ader gegambo bersama sedara mara yang over ni...

The end....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Baby Sayang Tak Gosok Gigi

Baby sayang left her Barbie tooth brush and kodomo in my toilet. What does it mean?? Hmm... I wonder if the girl actually brushes her teeth or not?? Atau main gurgle ngan ayor garam jer??? Eewww... Kalo main gurgle gurgle, kumuh kumuh, ni mesti blajar dari Hisama... Yek!!!

Camner nak jadik princess kalo gigi tak gosok ni?? Nanti princess bukak molot jer prince da lari. How now???

"You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
Its a love story baby just say yes"

Better get yourself a new tooth brush Shina, nanti Romeo will not be throwing pebbles at your windows.. A song for baby Shina... please sing to Taylor Swift's Love Story... You know which part Im talking about kan...

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever brushing your teeth
My faith in you fading
When I saw your tooth brush on toilet sink, I said

Romeo save Shina from gigi rongak
I keep waiting shes not coming for her brush
Please get a new one, I dont know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled a brush for Shina

And said, Shina please brush gigi
You'll never have gigi rongak
I love you so please gosok gigi
I talked to your dad, go picked out a tooth brush
Its a love story baby just say yes...

Oh oh
Oh oh
Cause you were young, you left your tooth brush....


Finally, Shina got a new tooth brush from Romeo... Well, I hope someone realized it and got her a new one...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me

Got it Kak In... For you..

Fun video huh??