Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the toxic_dest of them all...

Imagine just in one day I met a lot of different characters. Im talking about yesterday. Some are really nice, most of them being not so. So heres a list of the 10 toxic people in my book...

1. People who think the world of themselves!!!

2. People who like to jump to their own conclusion. If you dunno anything, just keep quiet.

3. People who think everyone else is like them. Everybody is different. So the road we choose may differ. No one person in this world are the same.

4. Negative people. People who think badly of others. Thats not good. You need to change your attitude. You may be doing certain things to hurt someone, or on purpose, that doesnt mean others have the same thinking or attitude as you. They may not do it coz they are not you.

5. Those who like to take other people's place/parking. Like this nyonya at the gym who likes to menyibuk at my spot on the gym floor. I always end up giving way to her. Maybe I should just push her the next time. The spot is taken la nyonya!!! Jangan nak menyempit.

6. The ones who think they are forever right. Everyone else are morons, he/she the only one who knows how things are done. Mr/Ms Know It All la konon2.

7. Those with huge egos!!! Who doesnt even admit when making mistakes what more to say Im sorry.

8. The ones without any sense of humour.

9. Bossy people!!!

10. Insensitive people. Certain things in life are what they are. Do not be insensitive and make remarks on that. Thats rude in my opinion.

Hmmm... A lot more in my toxic list, but Im gonna leave it as it is for the moment... Maybe cleansing could do the trick. We really need to cleanse these people so the world we live in will be a better place... Hahaha...

Monday, February 22, 2010


Semua orang suka tido. Bila da tido susah nak bangun. Ader pulak yang susah nak tido. Bila da tido lambat plak bangun. Some love to sleeeeppp late at night. Ntah aper yang depa buat kat depan komputer tu?? Chatting ker?? Tengok Vampire Diaries ker? Apa?? Gossip Girl?? So sok pagi susah la plak bukak mata tu. Cam mana nak kejut?? Mata da kena clamp.

1. Gerak2 kan badan si pentidor tu sambil panggil nama dia
2. Buka lampu, bukak tingkap, tutup fan/aircon, gerak seperti biasa
3. Sentap jer... (but thats not my style)
4. Pasang lagu yang sangat annoying untuk gerak orang yang syiok tido tu
5. Dudukkan si pentidor
6. Renjis skit ayor kat muka orang yang tido tu
7. Sebut nama si tido pastu cubit ibu jari kaki
8. Da teruk sangat jerit jer

I cant think of any others. But I realized, to wake one of my nieces (you know who you are) Adam Lambert's "For Your Entertainment" would do the trick. Pasang lagu tu kuat2, dalam 10 minutes tu bangun la Sleeping Beauty tu. Ain't it amazing?? Sort of a miracle!! Ahaks... Tak yah tunggu lama2 sangat. Yes, it takes 10 mins gak. Tapi better than yang tak bangun2 tu. I guess music does help in this situation. It depends on the music gak. Some could put you back to bed. For me I think lagu annoying would be Jem and the Holograms... Pasang kuat2 memang pening!!

Aper lagi bole kite buat untuk kejut orang yang memang susah nak bangun ni?? Adakah kite patut tinggal kan ajer?? Hmmm.... Aper ye??

Friday, February 12, 2010

20 Things.....

20 things about me you don't know and probably don't care

1. Lady Rain by Indecent Obsession is my absolute favourite song in the world
2. I absolutely love Pride and Prejudice
3. I dance when I'm alone in my bedroom
4. I have written a book about twins - needs some polishing with the concept and story
5. I secretly wish I could be a writer one day
6. I hate Anna Karenina - I do not understand what is so great about that stooopid book
7. I'm a sloooooooooooow reader
8. Blood makes me wanna puke - a little dizzy too
9. Not an animal lover
10. I'm a movie buff
11. But movies about aliens and the end of the world just turn me off
12. I love theme parks
13. Quite picky when it comes to friends - some are simply not worth being friends with
14. I've got no problem with honesty - it hurts at the beginning but that's about it
15. I turn to chocolates when I'm angry or stress
16. I like to bake
17. Ivanka Trump rocks
18. I like spending some quality time by myself
19. People always mistaken my kindness to weakness
20. Anas Albakri makes me happy

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Should I be worried???

B/P: 118/76 (Yay!!)
Glucose: 8.3 (what??)

They tried to make me cut my sugar and I said NO, NO, NO
Yes I love sweet but when I eat chocs you'll know know know
I aint got no worry and if myself think Im fine
You tried to make cut my sugar, I wont do do do

So yesterday was the moment of truth. Blood test result.... Sugar level: 4.6!!! Yay!!!

They tried to make me cut my sugar and I said NO NO NO!! :))

But what puts a frown on my face was actually my cholesterol level. Its 5.84. Should be less than 5.2. Good news is its not more than 6.2 or else its high risk. Now Im scared!! So what to do?? Doc says take oats or high fibre. Oats?? Yeah right. Looks like puke to me. Increase exercise. Ok I think I can do that. Cut down on all deep fried food. Of coz, I really have to control my diet, which makes my food intake pretty much boring. What is it that I could eat?? No this, less that, goodbye lamby... Huhuhu... :(( Cut down not totally goodbye kan... Its like Im saying to Kris Dayanti no Botox for you. Or to Heidi Montag to stop with all the cosmetic surgery.

Not only that, I got urine infection jugak la pulak. What does it mean?? Doc wants me to:

  • Take plenty of water. So after this Mr. Toi will be my bestest friend.
  • Decrease sugar intake ( what??? but why?? there goes my love for chocs )
  • Take lots and lots of veggie and fruits (I think I can do that)

I am to disclose this info to my fellow siblings coz he said high cholesterol runs in the family. So we all have to check and control our eating habits. Thats the story of my bloody blood test!!