Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jeffry Dean Vs Javier

Could these two actors be brothers separated at birth??

Jeffry Dean Morgan
Born in the States in 1966

Javier Bardem
Born in Spain in 1969

Isnt it bizzare how similar they look and yet they are from 2 different continents??? Check out their jaws... How scary is that???

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

At First Sight

Leto the Greek Titan goddess of motherhood was the mother to twins Gods Apollo and Artemis... Who cares right?? Right!!

Apollo standing in the middle accompanied by his mother Leto and sister Artemis.

Fatimah my very own goddess of all motherhood

The mother to twins me and my sister!! Phewitt...

I always thought if I were to write a book, it will be about life as twins... This is how I would start my story...

MARCH 1st 1979

On your mark, get set, PUSH! The moment I heard the word ‘push’, I tried my very best to be the first. I could still remember the shouts, the scream and all the pushing. We were literally punching each other, pulling hairs just so that we could be the first to cross the finishing line. Fortunately she did not pull any of my hairs. But I think I did quite a lot of pulling. Oh, and we did a lot of karate. We practiced mostly on each other. So in the end, I gave in! That fetus beat me to the finishing line. I was devastated. I wished I had my pom pom fetuses with me. Maybe their cheering could change my luck. But they were all in hidings, I think.

That was how it all began. Because I lost the race, my beloved mummy gave birth to that fetus first. Does it bother me when she crossed the finishing line ahead of me? Not really. If truth be told, I couldn’t really remember. It was as if I hit my head and that part of my life, the feelings I had that point of time just vanished. I knew I wasn’t antsy (no sir, not me) though I did try to strangle her with the umbilical cord once. You see, I heard being second born I was prone to oxygen deficiency as well as other traumas. I wouldn’t want that to happen to me. Nothing personal, I had to strangle her to survive. But she was bigger and stronger. I did remember thinking, fine, if I’m not the one to go out first, I’m not going out at all. Eventually, I got tired of being alone in mummy’s tummy. What joy was left for me when there was no one to steal my food, no one to pull hair with, no one to practice my new karate moves and no one to annoy me.

Tick, tock, tick, tock, after 3 minutes, I decided to join the family. Well hello there mummy! Oh, wait! Are you my mummy? You don’t look like a mummy. But then again, it’s not like I’ve seen my mummy. I supposed the first face I ever saw was the doctor’s because he did not look like a mummy at all.

Believe me when I say it wasn’t a friendly face. So I greeted him with the loudest cry ever. At that time I could hear different voices speaking at once; voices giving out orders, voices following orders. Then I heard the familiar cry, ah there she was snuggling close to mummy. My mummy! But oh, my! That little fetus has turned into a lovely little thing. I heard them calling her a baby. Not a fetus but a lovely girlie baby. Such thick beautiful hair she’s got. I bet I look like that too.

Once the doctor put me next to mummy, I could see the glow on mummy’s face. She was happy to meet me for the very first time. I was on her left; that baby was on her right. I gave the baby a wink. I was thrilled obviously. Everybody was happy. Then, I had a glimpse of myself through the mirror. Whoa, wait a minute, what the….. Where were all my hairs? This couldn’t be happening. That baby was blessed with a garden full of locks! Look at me. I looked like a boy! Noooooooo…. Once again, I started crying!

Now your job is to start guessing which one is the fetus and which one is me???